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Writing Short Answer Essays. You will create a demonstration essay answer that you will use in your classroom.

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1 Writing Short Answer Essays

2 You will create a demonstration essay answer that you will use in your classroom.

3 Pick your demonstration question carefully. Easy. Short.


5 Plan your answer Read the material. Read the question. Identify key words in the question. Identify the structure of your answer. Plan your answer. Write your answer, including key words. Be specific. Provide clear examples.

6 List three examples of governmental actions that tend to promote the free market and three examples of governmental actions that might interfere with the free market.

7 “Government and the Free Enterprise System” p. 21 Government actions that affect free market Promote  Grant money  Provide services like postal  Build roads Interfere  Anti trust laws  Anti pollution standards  Zoning ordinances.

8 Governmental actions have an effect on the free market. Government can promote free market by providing grants for scientific research, building roads, and providing public schools. However, governmental actions can also interfere with the free enterprise system. Some examples of interference are anti trust laws, anti pollution standards, and pure food and drug laws. The government’s participation in promotion or interference in the free market should be to protect the public and to preserve private enterprise.

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