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Book Choosing Time # Of Items: Kg-2 nd grade may borrow 1 item at a time. 3 rd -5 th grades may borrow 2 items.

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2 Book Choosing Time

3 # Of Items: Kg-2 nd grade may borrow 1 item at a time. 3 rd -5 th grades may borrow 2 items.

4 How Long Can You Keep Them?  Books may be borrowed for 1 week at a time.  If you want to keep a book longer than that, you must renew it.  To renew it, put a thin bookmark in it and put it on the return cart.  Pick it up the SAME DAY (from the shelf above the return cart).

5 Returning Your Books: If you have class on “C” or “E” days, you MUST return your books by 9:20 on the day of your class. “A”, “B”, and “D” day’s books must be returned the day before you have class.

6 The Process for Choosing Books: Choose your book(s). Bring them up to the desk to check them out. Stand in line quietly until your turn. Pick up any books you renewed. Go back to the tables and sit down. Give me your books face down so I can scan them quickly.

7 Reminder: NEVER put a book back on the shelf once it has come off. Put it on the cart labeled “Books to be Filed”. Sit down as soon as you have checked out your books. There are books and coloring sheets in the back corner for you to use, and books and magazines in the same area as last year.

8 Oops!!! You are responsible for taking care of the books and videos you borrow from the library. If something happens to one of them, PLEASE tell me as soon as possible so we can decide what to do about it. You may have to pay to replace the item.

9 Reading for Points: Stickers on books tell reading level and # of points. Books without stickers probably don’t have a test. Accelerated reader: Books with yellow stickers are easiest to read, blue stickers are a little bit harder, green stickers are harder, and red stickers are hardest.

10 Let’s Review: How many books can I borrow at a time? Where should I put a book I don’t want? On the “to be filed” cart. 1 (K-2 nd ); 2 (3 rd -5 th ) How long can I keep a book? 1 week

11 What happens if I lose or ruin a book that I borrowed? Where do I pick up a renewed book? On top of the counter by the return cart. Tell Mrs. Storey right away. You might have to pay for the book. Where do I put a book I want to renew? On the return cart.


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