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1 What is CPI and what can it do for California communities? Vallejo Unified School District Prevention Programs Synergy Coalition Community Partners “Strong.

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Presentation on theme: "1 What is CPI and what can it do for California communities? Vallejo Unified School District Prevention Programs Synergy Coalition Community Partners “Strong."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 What is CPI and what can it do for California communities? Vallejo Unified School District Prevention Programs Synergy Coalition Community Partners “Strong Children, Strong Families, Strong Communities Hilton Garden Hotel, Fairfield, CA September 9, 2005

2 2 What is CPI?

3 3 CPI is… ADP’s vehicle to provide Technical Assistance (TA) and Training services to community AOD prevention practitioners.

4 4 Goals Bridge the gap between research and the practical needs of community AOD prevention practitioners. Establish a system to transfer research-based AOD prevention information to the field. Increase the number of effective community prevention practitioners. Increase the number of effective community prevention systems programs and services. Enhance the health and safety of communities throughout California.

5 5 Performance Objectives Deliver 2000 days of Technical Assistance Provide 80 training events Produce and deliver four prevention bulletins Prepare two prevention documents Monitor and synthesize prevention research including evidence-based programs, strategies and approaches Develop capabilities to share and transfer information

6 6 Why is CPI Needed?

7 7 Need for CPI TA and Training Services High turnover in the prevention field Rapid expansion in knowledge about prevention practices Need to implement Community Strategic Prevention Framework (5 Steps) Broaden community focus versus individual approaches.

8 8 Strategic Prevention Framework Process Profile population needs, resources, and readiness to address the problems and gaps in service delivery Mobilize and/or build capacity to address needs Develop a Comprehensive Strategic Plan Implement evidence-based prevention programs and infrastructure development activities Monitor process, evaluate effectiveness, sustain effective programs/activities, and improve or replace those that fail

9 9 Community Focus Why? Community Health − The well-being of the people who share a common place or experience – require changes in both the behavior of large number of individuals and in the conditions that affect their health.

10 10 Types of Community Based TA Services Community organizing Coalition building/maintenance Strategic planning assistance Data (needs) assessment AOD policy development Media Advocacy RBS trainings/ English /Spanish / Korean Development of culturally appropriate programs & services Rural and Underserved Population Outreach Evaluation

11 11 CPI Services Product Development Research-based briefings/bulletins/papers (4 Tactics) County level documents (AOD County Profiles) Developing network of research centers throughout the country Involvement of broader Prevention Research community

12 12 Binge Drinking Social Host Ordinances Social Norms Policy Panels

13 13 CPI Services (continued) Trainings Broad range of trainings through Prevention Extension New curricula continually updated Technical Assistance Facilitations to project/program specific services Subject matter expertise – consultant pool 200 plus On-line advancements (Training and TA )

14 14 What has CPI accomplished so far this year?

15 15 Accomplishments Products: Examples: –Tactics (4) –County AOD Profiles (58) –Brief Intervention Services Curriculum –AOD Strategies for Native American Communities –Update Public Convenience or Necessity-A Guide for Local Government Brochure –Grantwriting – Part 2

16 16 Accomplishments Services 2,092 days of TA and Training activities –Over 100 Training Activities/Events which include Prevention Extension Workshops –Increased Expert/Consultant Base by 45 –Prepare report on community approaches to meth prevention –Chair GPAC Ad Hoc Committee on Meth –13 SIG Grantee TA Provider

17 17 CPI Web Site

18 18 771 Oak Avenue Parkway, Suite 3 Folsom, CA 95630 916-983-8929-MAIN 916-983-5738-FAX

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