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2014 Practice Profile and Q2 Quality Improvement Plan Update Stonegate Community Health Centre November 17, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Practice Profile and Q2 Quality Improvement Plan Update Stonegate Community Health Centre November 17, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Practice Profile and Q2 Quality Improvement Plan Update Stonegate Community Health Centre November 17, 2014

2 Practice Profile The Practice Profile: an analysis of the demographics, case-mix, emergency department and hospital utilization for clients of Ontario CHCs. CHC clients with an encounter with an NP or MD between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2013 Excludes clients without health card # (non-insured/incorrect health card numbers) who died before April 1, 2011

3 # Clients Included in Study

4 Complexity Measures & Access to Care Indicator

5 SAMI: Standardized ACG Morbidity Index CHCs all have complex clients with a SAMI >1. The average Ontarian has a SAMI = 1. Recent correction to algorithm means SAMI has decreased for all CHCs. This results in a higher panel size (total # of clients seen by MDs and NPs). SAMIAccess to Care Indicator (Panel Size) Target 2014/152.122,682 2015/161.553,669


7 Stonegate CHC Change from April 1, 2013 to Sept 30, 2014: Panel Size (Number of clients seen by an MD/NP in past 2 years) Access to Care Indicator (Performance: % of target achieved)

8 Access to Care Indicator CHC SAMI Score (before recalculation) Access to Primary Care (’14-15 target) Target Panel Growth (‘14-15) Panel at time of MSAA discussion Regent Park2.2550%2171,924 East End2.1890%93,560 LAMP2.1675%6653,391 Stonegate2.1274%2921,562 Central Toronto2.0395%5373,108 South Riverdale2.0383%4503,049 Anishnawbe Health Toronto1.9565%5802,074 Women’s Health in Hands1.9488%8331,746 Parkdale1.9286%4023,877 Four Villages1.7875%8143,259 Unison1.7681%7029,087 Access Alliance1.7482%8243,164 Davenport-Perth1.7378%8192,053 Anne Johnston1.7370%6051,627 Flemingdon1.5100%05,680 Centre Francophone1.4480%5492,863 Planned Parenthood1.33100%07,661

9 Populations Served by CHCs in the TC LHIN

10 Age Groups

11 Income Quintiles Based upon postal code. May not accurately reflect poverty levels of individual clients

12 Newcomers (%) Reminder: does not include non-insured clients.

13 Adjusted Diagnostic Groups ADGs reflects the # of co-morbidities clients have. The higher the #, the more complex the client.

14 Health System Utilization by CHC Clients in the GTA

15 Resource Utilization Bands Estimates of overall healthcare utilization, morbidity and anticipated healthcare costs. 1 is low, 5 is high.

16 Hospital Utilization Notes about Rates Represents the number of visits per 100 people or hospitalizations per 10,000 people For example: Hospitalizations = 86.2 per 10,000 Per person = 86.2/10,000 = 0.00862 CHC “N” (number of clients)= 6506 CHC Rate = 6506 x 0.00862 = 56.08

17 Emerg Dep’t Visits Acuity Scores

18 % of Emerg Dep’t Visits Best Managed Elsewhere

19 Avoidable Hospitalizations (Rate per 1000)

20 Hospital Readmissions

21 % of clients with a Primary Care Visit 7 days after discharge from hospital Stonegate not included: #s are too low to count. Ontario CHC Average

22 Specialist Visits (Rate per 1000) Ontario CHC Average

23 MSAA Indicators 2013/14 (% of target) 2014/15 (% of target) IndicatorQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Target Cervical Cancer Screening (PAP) 827978 778090% Colorectal Cancer Screening 56575556585958% Breast Cancer Screening 63656361585965% Inter-professional Diabetes Care 949395 93 94% Influenza Vaccination 333127 26 35% Periodic Health Exam 68676563595666% Vacancy Rate (NPs and MDs) 0000000

24 MSAA Indicators Note: Data for Cancer Screening that is reported in Practice Profile differs slightly from what is reported in MSAA –Practice Profile: people who received tests –MSAA: people who were offered tests

25 Breast Cancer Screening (%) Ontario CHC Average

26 Colorectal Cancer Screening (%) Ontario CHC Average

27 Cervical Cancer Screening (%) Ontario CHC Average

28 Client Engagement Surveys





33 Questions? Comments?

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