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Student 2.0… Can You Hear Me Now? Engaging 21 st Century Students Lisa Nimz, Skokie School District 68 Jerry Michel, Lincolnwood School District 74.

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Presentation on theme: "Student 2.0… Can You Hear Me Now? Engaging 21 st Century Students Lisa Nimz, Skokie School District 68 Jerry Michel, Lincolnwood School District 74."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student 2.0… Can You Hear Me Now? Engaging 21 st Century Students Lisa Nimz, Skokie School District 68 Jerry Michel, Lincolnwood School District 74

2 “You don’t have any right to read my Facebook page! That’s like invading my privacy!” -Eighth Grader, Ironically Anonymous

3 “You want my status update? I'm about to hang up on you.” -Paul R. La Monica, editor, when harassed (over the phone) by a relative about not being on Facebook

4 Unlike oral, “living” speech, Socrates saw the inflexible muteness of written language to be the doom of the dialogic process, the heart of education. -Maryanne Wolf, in Proust and the Squid

5 “The Internet culture facilitates a…permanent adolescence that is profoundly anti-intellectual.” -Peter Cookson, board member of the Partnership for 21 st Century Skills

6 “We are not only what we read; we are how we read.” -Maryanne Wolf, author, Proust and the Squid

7 We teach in an increasingly wired world

8 In a land of IPads, Kindles, and texting

9 Can literacy compete with technology?

10 Perhaps, new technology simply provides new genres…

11 …that we will integrate in authentic ways as we learn from our students.

12 This is your brain on tech Any questions?

13 How does technology shape literacy?

14 “Deep reading has become a chore” Our ability to interpret text, to make the rich mental connections that form when we read deeply and without distraction, remains largely disengaged. -Nicholas Carr, author of The Big Switch, Rewiring the World from Edison to Google

15 Growing Up with Harry Potter 2001: Sorcerer’s Stone2010: Half Blood Prince

16 So, we aren’t getting smarter? The paradox of the human brain and automaticity: we build vast, intricate circuits… and simultaneously forget that we are building them

17 What really matters?

18 Inside Einstein’s Brain with Edison Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration Why myelin matters: Deep practice + Error recognition + Strategies to correct = Expertise development

19 If we are to learn along side our students, we must learn to use duct tape wisely


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