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APHG Learning Targets Political Geography: Pre-Test 1. Geopolitics is best described as: A Study of relationships among politics, geography, economics,

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Presentation on theme: "APHG Learning Targets Political Geography: Pre-Test 1. Geopolitics is best described as: A Study of relationships among politics, geography, economics,"— Presentation transcript:

1 APHG Learning Targets Political Geography: Pre-Test 1. Geopolitics is best described as: A Study of relationships among politics, geography, economics, demography especially in respect to foreign policy. B Study of politics in countries around the world C Political parties in countries on a global scale D I do not know

2 2. A state A Boundary of a group of people with common cultural characteristics B An area with boundaries and sovereignty C boundaries coincide with the cultural boundaries of a particular group D I do not know

3 3. A Nation A A group of people with common cultural characteristics B An area with boundaries and sovereignty C boundaries coincide with the cultural boundaries of a particular group D I do not know

4 4. A Nation-State A Boundary of a group of people with common cultural characteristics B An area with boundaries and sovereignty C boundaries coincide with the cultural boundaries of a particular group D I do not know

5 5. A commonwealth A The working of two or more countries to increase wealth B A territory that has established a mutual agreement with another state to benefit both parties C A conflict that arises when two or more countries vie for control of a territory D I do not know

6 6. A Territorial dispute A The working of two or more countries to increase wealth B A territory that has established a mutual agreement with another state to benefit both parties C A conflict that arises when two or more countries vie for control of a territory D I do not know

7 7. Sovereignty A States ability to regulate their own internal and external affairs. B The head of state such as a king, president, etc. C A state taking control of another state D I do not know

8 8. The Kurds A Group of people seeking a country without their own state in Spain B A Group of people seeking a country without their own state in the Middle East C A Group of people seeking a country without their own state in Europe D I do not know

9 9. The Basques A Group of people seeking a country without their own state in Spain B A Group of people seeking a country without their own state in the Middle East C A Group of people seeking a country without their own state in Europe D I do not know

10 10. The Flemish A Group of people seeking a country without their own state in Spain B A Group of people seeking a country without their own state in the Middle East C A Group of people seeking a country without their own state in Europe D I do not know

11 11. Geometric Boundaries A Boundaries determined by natural features B Boundaries determined by cultural factors such as language, religion or ethnicity C Boundaries determined by longitude and latitude D I do not know

12 12. Physical Boundaries A Boundaries determined by natural features B Boundaries determined by cultural factors such as language, religion or ethnicity C Boundaries determined by longitude and latitude D I do not know

13 13. Ethnographic Boundaries A Boundaries determined by natural features B Boundaries determined by cultural factors such as language, religion or ethnicity C Boundaries determined by longitude and latitude D I do not know

14 14. Ethnic Conflict A Disagreements that usually result in military action or violence of one race of people against another. B A Disagreements that usually result in military action or violence of one ethnic group of people against another ethnic group.. C A Disagreements that usually result in military action or violence of one religion of people against another religion. D I do not know

15 15. Balkanization A. Adding territory to an already existing state. B The break up of an area into smaller independent units usually with some degree of hostility. C A union of many states for achievement of a common goal or purpose D I do know

16 16. Annexation A. Adding territory to an already existing state. B The break up of an area into smaller independent units usually with some degree of hostility. C A union of many states for achievement of a common goal or purpose D I do know

17 17. Definitional Boundary Dispute A A question about the use of a boundary not the boundary itself. B A dispute about a specific issue involving a boundary, not the boundary itself C A dispute about language that defines a boundary. D I do not know

18 18. Locational boundary Dispute A A question about the the boundary itself. B A dispute about a specific issue involving a boundary, not the boundary itself C A dispute about definition that defines a boundary. D I do not know

19 19. Operational Boundary Dispute A A question about the use of a boundary not the boundary itself. B A dispute about a specific issue involving a boundary, not the boundary itself C A dispute about definition that defines a boundary. D I do not know

20 20. Allocational Boundary Dispute A A question about the use of a boundary not the boundary itself. B A dispute about a specific issue involving a boundary, such as resource usage by each state, not the boundary itself C A dispute about definition that defines a boundary. D I do not know

21 21. UNCLOS A United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea B United Nations Convention on the Law of the Skies C United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sub-Continents D I do not know

22 22. Exclusive Economic Zone A The 3 miles of ocean off a states coast that the state controls for economic use such as fishing, oil exploration, etc. B The 12 miles of ocean off a states coast that the state controls for economic use such as fishing, oil exploration, etc. I have heard of it C The 200 miles of ocean off a states coast that the state controls for economic use such as fishing, oil exploration, etc.

23 23. Median-Line Principle A Mediator decides a border B Each state takes half of the territory in question C A medium decides the border D All E None

24 24. Global Commons A Concept that applies to the Amazon rain forest B Concept that applies to North Pole C Concept that applies to the Antarctica D All E None

25 25. Antecedent Boundaries A Boundaries that existed before the present day human landscape developed. B A Boundaries that evolved as the present day human landscape developed. C A Boundaries that were forcibly drawn on an area. D A boundary that has ceased to function E None

26 26. Subsequent Boundaries A Boundaries that existed before the present day human landscape developed. B A Boundaries that evolved as the present day human landscape developed. C A Boundaries that were forcibly drawn on an area. D A boundary that has ceased to function E None

27 27. Superimposed Boundaries A Boundaries that existed before the present day human landscape developed. B A Boundaries that evolved as the present day human landscape developed. C A Boundaries that were forcibly drawn on an area. D A boundary that has ceased to function E None

28 28.. Relic Boundaries A Boundaries that existed before the present day human landscape developed. B A Boundaries that evolved as the present day human landscape developed. C A Boundaries that were forcibly drawn on an area. D A boundary that has ceased to function E None

29 29. Reunification A. East and West Berlin B East and West Germany C Union and Confederacy D All E None

30 30. Colonialism: All of the following were colonies at one time Except: A USA B Cuba C Antarctica D Australia E South Africa

31 31. Organic Theory was believed by what leader? A Winston Churchill B Adolf Hitler C Franklin Roosevelt D All E None

32 32. Self-Determination A. The power of the people to vote on issues B The power of the people to establish their own government C The right of women to vote D I do not know

33 33. Suffrage A. The power of the people to vote on issues B The power of the people to establish their own government C The right of women to vote D I do not know

34 34. Women’s Enfranchisement A. The power of the people to vote on issues B The power of the people to establish their own government C The right of women to vote D I do not know

35 35. Land Empire A. A settlement designed to stay a long time in an area and over time send resources back to the home country B Sea power is used to control and area so resources can be sent back to the home country C Conquest by force of an area to send resources back to the home country D I do not know

36 36. Sea Empire A. A settlement designed to stay a long time in an area and over time send resources back to the home country B Sea power is used to control and area so resources can be sent back to the home country C Conquest by force of an area to send resources back to the home country D I do not know

37 37. Settlement Empire A. A settlement designed to stay a long time in an area and over time send resources back to the home country B Sea power is used to control and area so resources can be sent back to the home country C Conquest by force of an area to send resources back to the home country D I do not know

38 38. Forward Capital example A Brasilia B Washington D.C. C Paris D All E None

39 39. Microstates: Example A Vatican City B Luxembourg C UK D All E None

40 40. Ministates: Example A Vatican City B Luxembourg C UK D All E None

41 41. Compact Country: Example A Chile B Poland C Argentina D All E None

42 42. Elongated Country A Chile B Poland C Argentina D All E None

43 43. Fragmented Country: Example A South Africa B. Afghanistan C Philippines D All E None

44 44. Exclave A Florida B Alaska C California D. All E None

45 45. Perforated Country: Example A France B Spain C Italy D All E None

46 46. Enclave synonym A Landlocked B Island C peninsula D All E None

47 47. Landlocked Country: synonym A Enclave B Island C peninsula D All E None

48 48. Prorupted state: Example A Texas B Florida C Georgia D All E None

49 49. Embassies A Secondary office that deal with economic issues and granting visas to enter a country. B The official representative of one country to another. C Sovereign territory of one country in another, usually a compound or group of buildings, to represent countries interests on another country D. None

50 50. Ambassadors A Secondary office that deal with economic issues and granting visas to enter a country. B The official representative of one country to another. C Sovereign territory of one country in another, usually a compound or group of buildings, to represent countries interests on another country D. None

51 51. Consulates A Secondary office that deal with economic issues and granting visas to enter a country. B The official representative of one country to another. C Sovereign territory of one country in another, usually a compound or group of buildings, to represent countries interests on another country D. I do not know

52 52. Satellite States A High tech countries B States under the control of the USSR C Island states around a country D All E None

53 53. Iron Curtain A Product of the Cold War B Divided East and West C Divided Berlin D All E None

54 54. Shatterbelt Regions: Examples A Vietnam B Korea C Central America D All E None

55 55. Buffer State A State between two states in conflict that remains neutral in the conflict B State that is in conflict with another C State conquered by another D All E none

56 56. Heartland Theory A Adopted by Hitler B Adopted by Churchill C Adopted by Roosevelt D All E None

57 57. Rimland Theory: adopted by? A NATO B UN C UNLOC D All E None

58 58. Domino Theory adopted by? A Eisenhower B Kennedy C Nixon D All E None

59 59. Irredentism A One country falls to communism the next to it will fall B USA trying to remove Castro from power C Containing communism by treaties with other countries D All E none

60 60. Centrifugal Forces A Forces that pull a state apart B Forces that pull a state together

61 61. Centripetal A Forces that pull a state apart B Forces that pull a state together

62 62. Nationalism A belief that the state is of primary importance, or the belief that one state is naturally superior to all other states B belief that states should work together to solve problems C A belief that the state should own all means of production D All E None

63 63. Devolution A Centrifugal forces B Giving up of control of a by a country over a region C USSR giving up control over some of it’s republics D All E none

64 64. National Iconography example(s) A Flag B National anthem C Pledge of allegiance D all E none

65 65. Theocracies: example A Saudi Arabia B Iran C Vatican City D All E None

66 66. Supranational Organization example(s) A UN B EU C NATO D All E none

67 67. Unitary Style of Government A Power lies with national government B Power lies with the regional government C Power lies with local government D All E none

68 68. Representative form of Government A Democracy B Republic C Parliamentary D all E none

69 69. Manifest Destiny A Belief that the USA was meant to rule all the land between the Atlantic and Pacific of North America B A belief that democracy is the best form of government C A belief that communism is the best form of government D All E None

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