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Welcome to AP Human Geography Find a seat - set up your territory :-) Start the Icebreaker activity- try to meet at least five people as you fill in the.

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2 Welcome to AP Human Geography Find a seat - set up your territory :-) Start the Icebreaker activity- try to meet at least five people as you fill in the sheet. Presenter: David Palmer

3 AP Human Geography David Palmer Eaglecrest High School Aurora, Colorado

4 Welcome to AP Human Geography Icebreaker Introduction Skill Board FRQ’s discussed within units Units - Content and Applied Lessons Debrief big themes Sharing ideas as we go Field Study

5 Course Outline  Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives 5-10%  Population 13-17%  Cultural Patterns and Processes 13-17%  Political Organization of Space 13-17%  Agricultural and Rural Land Use 13-17%  Industrialization and Economic Development 13-17%  Cities and Urban Land Use 13-17%

6 What is this class like? Rigorous, interactive course that teaches students how to think geographically. Students will develop excellent thinking and problem solving skills and gain a new perspective on the world in which we live. Web enhanced course where students will take many of their assessments online and participate in numerous online discussions. Interactive Notebooks - show me what you know Students will learn the content of geography plus we will do geography. We take at least two field studies during the year- One is to Park Meadows to complete a spatial analysis of the mall and the other is an urban field study where we ride the light rail and visit Littleton, 16th St Mall and LoDo.

7 The Exam - Friday May 14th 2009 8:00 am two-hours and 15 minutes 75 multiple choice (60 minutes) 3 essays in free response section (75 minutes- answer all 3 FRQ’s) Students who score high enough on the exam can receive college credit for taking the course.

8 What is Geography? Created by David Palmer Eaglecrest High School

9 Definitions - Use Cornell Literal Definition: a description of the earth Emmanuel Kant: “History looks at change across time. Geography looks at change across space.” Hartshorn: “Geography is the discipline that seeks to describe and interpret the variable character from place to place of the earth as the world of man.” Greenland: “Geography is the study of the distribution and interrelationships of the elements of the human environment and the relationships between humans and the physical environment.” Your Definition:

10 Method vs Perspective Geographic Method: using geographic information to describe the earth Geographic Perspective: a geographic grid through which information is interpreted Example: The Earth at Night

11 Geographic Investigation Process - 4 Level Analysis Level 1 - What? Where? When? Level 2 - Pattern Identification Level 3 Why there? How did it get there? Level 4 (prediction) So what? What if?

12 Earth at Night - Global Scale

13 North America at Night - Regional Scale Online: 6/27/2006 -

14 Your State at Night - Local Scale Online: 6/27/2006 -

15 Geographic Investigation Process Level 1 - What? Where? When? Level 2 - Pattern Identification Level 3 Why there? How did it get there? Level 4 So what? What if? Skills? Population Data Sheet - profile chart

16 Retail Locational Factors Pair up and create a list of the important factors to consider relating to retail mall locations?

17 Crossroads Mall Level 4 Analysis - 1)Where - based on what you see in map 2) Patterns 3)Why? 4) What if the scale changes?

18 Larger Scale Level 4 Analysis - 1)Where - based on what you see in map 2) Patterns 3)Why? 4) What if the scale changes?

19 Smaller Scale Level 4 Analysis - 1)Where - based on what you see in map 2) Patterns 3)Why? 4) What if the scale changes?

20 Westroad Mall Level 4 Analysis - 1)Where - based on what you see in map 2) Patterns 3)Why? 4) What if the scale changes?

21 Westroad Mall Level 4 Analysis - 1)Where - based on what you see in map 2) Patterns 3)Why? 4) What if the scale changes?

22 Personal Income Level 4 Analysis - 1)Where - based on what you see in map 2) Patterns 3)Why? 4) What if the scale changes?

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