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Anglo- Saxon Family Life By: Heather Overstreet. Classes of Society Æðelings- Kings and princes(royalty) Eoldermen- nobility Ðegn- a thane(middle class)

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Presentation on theme: "Anglo- Saxon Family Life By: Heather Overstreet. Classes of Society Æðelings- Kings and princes(royalty) Eoldermen- nobility Ðegn- a thane(middle class)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anglo- Saxon Family Life By: Heather Overstreet

2 Classes of Society Æðelings- Kings and princes(royalty) Eoldermen- nobility Ðegn- a thane(middle class) Ceorls- peasants and freemen and laborers

3 Map of Anglo- Saxon Villages

4 Games of Anglo-Saxon Villages Dice Games –made of antler Board Games –made of antler, amber, bone, glass, clay, stone Hnefatafl (nef-tal)(Kings Table) –Known as the Game of Soldiers These games were played by men and their sons for enjoyment and sometimes skill like our modern chess. They also bet on who would do better to earn a little “cash” in their games.

5 Fauna in Anglo-Saxon Villages The animals that were kept domestically were much the same as today, sheep, pigs, cattle, goats and horses. Geese were kept for their eggs and meat; Hares were small game that probably helped to supplement their diet.

6 Flora in Anglo-Saxon Villages Trees-such as hazel, oak, ash, beech Oak-for buildings, furniture and ships. Ash and field maple and alder used by the turner were to make bowls, cups and spoons. Ash-for spear shafts Linden-for shields Elm, ash and yew- for bows Timber was used for building the houses

7 Anglo-Saxon Apparel Women and their daughters made the clothes and colored them. Apples- mostly for eating and juice and red from the skin. Woad- produces blue dye Bilberries and Madder produces red, browns and oranges. The women used these colors to create dignified outfits for their family to wear and to be identified by their class. Bilberries Woad Madder Apples

8 Anglo-Saxon Prayer Thu ure fæther, the eart on heofonum, sy thin nama gehalgod. Cume thin rice, Sy thin wylla on eorthan swaswa on heofonum. Syle us todæg urne daeghwamlican hlaf. And forgyf us ure gyltas swaswa we forgyfath thampe with us agyltath. And ne lae thu na us on costnunge, ac alys us fram yfele The Middleton Cross, celebrating a long forgotten warrior of status. Despite being largely illiterate, this cross bore all the information his relatives or companions wanted to relate.

9 Prayer in Modern English Thu our father, thee art on heavenum, say thine nama holyod. Come thine rich, say thine will on earth swas- wa on heavenum. Sell us today ourne day-wham-lick hloaf. And forgive us our guiltas swas-wa we forgiv- ath themp with us a-guilt-ath. And no lee thu us on costnun-ya, ash all-lees us from evil. (the lords prayer)

10 Source List Page image image search

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