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Your university or experiment logo here LHCb Development Glenn Patrick Raja Nandakumar GridPP18, 20 March 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Your university or experiment logo here LHCb Development Glenn Patrick Raja Nandakumar GridPP18, 20 March 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your university or experiment logo here LHCb Development Glenn Patrick Raja Nandakumar GridPP18, 20 March 2007

2 2 LHCb December 2006 Muon Calorimeters RICH2 Trackers Magnet RICH1 VELO p p

3 3 2 kHz@30 kB/event 60MB/s LHCb Computing Model 40 MHz Level-0 Hardware 1 MHz Level-1 Software HLT Software 40 kHz

4 4 DIRAC Production and Analysis DIRAC Job Management Service DIRAC Job Management Service DIRAC CE LCG Resource Broker Resource Broker CE 1 DIRAC Sites Agent CE 2 CE 3 Production manager Production manager GANGA UI User CLI JobMonitorSvc JobAccountingSvc AccountingDB Job monitor InformationSvc FileCatalogSvc MonitoringSvc BookkeepingSvc BK query webpage BK query webpage FileCatalog browser FileCatalog browser User interfaces DIRAC services DIRAC resources DIRAC Storage DiskFile gridftp bbftp rfio Next talk

5 5 DIRAC Workload Management Job Receiver Job Receiver Job JDL Sandbox Job Input JobDB Job Receiver Job Receiver Job Receiver Job Receiver Data Optimizer Data Optimizer Task Queue LFC checkData Agent Director Agent Director checkJob RB Pilot Job CE WN Pilot Agent Pilot Agent Job Wrapper Job Wrapper execute (glexec) User Application User Application fork Matcher CE JDL Job JDL getReplicas WMS Admin WMS Admin getProxy SE uploadData VO-box putRequest Agent Monitor Agent Monitor checkPilot getSandbox Job Monitor Job Monitor DIRAC services DIRAC services LCG services LCG services Workload On WN Workload On WN

6 6 DIRAC3 Revision and Roadmap Dec 2006.Brainstorming meeting at CERN amongst developers. Jan 2007. Barcelona workshop. Feb – April 2007.Re-implementation of the code base according to new design. May 2007.Integration of DIRAC3 system and thorough testing. June 2007.Release of DIRAC 3. Operation in multiplatform environment - various Linux flavours, 32 bit/64 bit, Windows(!) Need to separate generic and LHCb behaviour. Need for new functionality affecting multiple components (e.g. job state machinery). DIRAC3 will be the result of this major code revision and reorganisation. Gennady Kuznetsov (RAL)

7 7 Oracle DB JDBC Driver BK Service BookkeepingSvc BookkeepingQuery Tomcat Servlet Web Browser Read Jython Server XML-RPC GANGA application Read volhcb01 Write Read/Write AMGA Client GANGA application volhcb01 Write AMGA AMGA Client Read R/W AMGA-Bookkeeping Architecture Carmine Cioffi (Oxford): AMGA now used in Production – old system retired. New production machine (volhcb01) for bookkeeping.

8 8 Reconstruction Brunel Simulation Gauss Digitisation Boole Stripping and Analysis DaVinci MC Truth Raw Data rDST Event Tag Collection DST+RAW Software Modules and Data Flow SoftwareInstallation module GaussApplication module BookkeepingUpdate module Gauss Step SoftwareInstallation module BooleApplication module BookkeepingUpdate module Boole Step Monte-Carlo Production Job

9 9 Last Month Activity Bugs found, stop and restart the production Record of running jobs 9715 CNAFGRIDKA IN2P3 NIKHEF PIC RAL ALL CERN Average of 7.5K running jobs in the last month Temporary problems at PIC and RAL Raja Nandakumar (RAL)

10 10 CPU Use since Dec. 2006 COUNTRYCPU USE (%) UK41.1 CERN12.1 Italy9.6 German8.1 France7.7 Spain6.6 Greece3.8 Netherlands3.1 Poland2.4 Russia2.0 Hungary0.9 UK CERN German Spain France Italy

11 11 CPU Use since Dec. 2006 Main sitesCPU Time (%) Manchester17 CERN11 QMUL8 CNAF7 GRIDKA7 IN2P34 Brunel(UK)4 RAL3 Glasgow3 NIKHEF3 USC3 Lancashire2 HG-06 (Greece)2 Barcelona2 PIC2 Other sites20 CPU Use - 40% @ T1s Manchester CERN CNAF QMUL GRIDKA

12 12 Reconstruction since Dec. 2006 PIC 32% CNAF 20% CERN 19% IN2P3 17% RAL 10% GRIDKA 2% NIKHEF 0% Tier 1 Events Reconstructed PIC32.4% CNAF20.1% CERN18.6% IN2P316.5% RAL10.4% GRIDKA5.3% NIKHEF0.1% Data access problems the main cause of delays to reconstruction. RAL dCache unstable since December. Problems with file staging through SRM. Some GridFTP problems. New staging component in DIRAC

13 13 Data Transfer 1 Problems with transfers: When a job fails to transfer data to one or more T1, the transfer request is queued through VO box. Storage is not always available at T1s and number of pending transfer requests increase. Failed

14 14 Data Transfer 2 Improvements: Temporary replication to a fail-over SE (all Tier 1s). Replication to final destination queued in VO box. VO box retries until transfer succeeds. Extremely reliable (multi-threaded transfer agent required). Success

15 15 Next Steps Castor-2 Castor Migration. LHCb tests progressing at RAL (Raja). Once jobs run and are stable aim to switch and replicate existing data from dCache to Castor. End June deadline for Castor approaching fast! Data Stripping. Delayed to ~June because of late availability of high performance pre-selection algorithms. Stripped DSTs to be shipped to all Tier 1 centres. Analysis using Ganga. Output used for LHCb “Physics Book”.

16 16 Alignment Challenge First release of alignment framework – March. First Alignment Challenge using tracking detectors – end April for production of datasets. ~June for alignment demonstration. Second Alignment Challenge using all sub- detectors – September? VELO is most precise device in LHCb, but it moves! Retracted by ~3cm in between fills. 21 tracking stations. 4 sensors per station (r/  ) Different Configurations: Magnet OFF, VELO Open Magnet OFF, VELO Closed Magnet ON, VELO Open Magnet ON, VELO Closed Grid test of Conditions Database – streaming of data constants and running of LHCb applications.

17 17 2007 Timetable December 2007 January 2007 From March April: DAQ -Tier 0 throughput tests June/July: Full chain DAQ -Tier 0 - Tier 1 tests September: Re-reconstruction of b and Min Bias events November: First data! Jan - March: DC06 Production Phase June: Release of DIRAC3 end April - June: First Alignment Challenge September: Second Alignment Challenge

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