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Interview an adult. Who do I interview? Family members Family members Teachers Teachers Neighbors Neighbors Family friends Family friends.

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Presentation on theme: "Interview an adult. Who do I interview? Family members Family members Teachers Teachers Neighbors Neighbors Family friends Family friends."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interview an adult

2 Who do I interview? Family members Family members Teachers Teachers Neighbors Neighbors Family friends Family friends

3 What will I write? You will write a speech, which will be 5 paragraphs. The first paragraph will be your introduction and the last will be your conclusion. The body paragraphs will contain the information that you get during the interview. You will write a speech, which will be 5 paragraphs. The first paragraph will be your introduction and the last will be your conclusion. The body paragraphs will contain the information that you get during the interview.

4 What do I need to ask? 1. Find out something about their history… -where are they from? -How did they end up in TN? -Is there any interesting stories that they remember from childhood? -Is there something that has been passed down from them to you, or something that they taught you?

5 2. Career…(or if retired what they used to do) -What do they do? Describe their job. -Why did they choose that career? -Do they love what they do or would they rather do something else?

6 3. Advice they have for you… -What piece of advice would they give students today, including you.

7 Organize all of this into a speech… It must be 2 minutes long

8 Photo Story You will create a photo story, in the computer program, which is a free download. To show your presentation.

9 Due Dates! Monday25 Start Novel Tuesday 26 26 Period 1,4,5 Computer lab Wed.27 Periods 2 & 7 Computer lab Thursday28readFriday29Quiz/read 2read3Read4Read5Read6Quiz/read 9Read10Read11Read12 Computer Lab New Project 13Present

10 16 Present17Read18 Present Voki 19PresentVoki20 Hawk Celebratio n 23 Watch movie 24Movie25 Last full day 26 No School 27 2 Hr. Day

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