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Polygons Section 1-6 polygon – a many-sided figure convex polygon – a polygon such that no line containing a side of the polygon contains a point in.

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2 Polygons Section 1-6

3 polygon – a many-sided figure convex polygon – a polygon such that no line containing a side of the polygon contains a point in the interior of the polygon.

4 convex concave

5 3 sides: triangle 4 sides: quadrilateral 5 sides: pentagon 6 sides hexagon 8 sides: octagon 10 sides: decagon n sides: n-gon

6 diagonal – a segment joining 2 nonconsecutive vertices of the polygon When referring to a polygon, list its consecutive vertices in order. A B C D E F

7 Theorem 2-13 The sum of the measures of the angles of a convex polygon with n sides is

8 Theorem 2-14 The sum of the measures of the exterior angles of any convex polygon, one angle at each vertex is 360.

9 regular polygon – a polygon that is both equiangular and equilateral

10 Joke Time Where do math teachers go on vacation? To Times Square

11 Why did the foal cough? Because he was a little horse!

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