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Polygons by Ms. Jernigan. Polygons The word polygon means “many angles” A two dimensional object A closed figure.

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Presentation on theme: "Polygons by Ms. Jernigan. Polygons The word polygon means “many angles” A two dimensional object A closed figure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polygons by Ms. Jernigan

2 Polygons The word polygon means “many angles” A two dimensional object A closed figure

3 More about Polygons Made up of three or more straight line segments There are exactly two sides that meet at a vertex The sides do not cross each other

4 Examples of Polygons

5 These are not Polygons

6 Terms: Side: One of the line segments that make up a polygon. Vertex: point where two sides meet.

7 Types of Polygons continued Regular Polygon: a polygon where all the angles are equal and all of the sides are the same length. They are both equilateral and equiangular

8 Examples of Regular Polygons

9 TRIangle A three sided polygon TRI means 3 TripletsTripod Triangle

10 Quadrilateral A four sided polygon. A quadrilateral that is a regular polygon is called a square. QUAD means 4 Quadruplets

11 Pentagon A five sided polygon Pent means 5 Pentagon

12 Hexagon A six sided polygon HEX means 6 Hex Bolt

13 Heptagon A seven sided polygon Hept means 7 Heptotica Flower

14 Octagon An eight sided polygon OCT means 8 Octopus

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