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How TOEIC is not about Testing Tricky Grammatical Points? ( 老師 ) 一定要注意把焦點放在 字彙 多過 文法 ! By Christina Y. Chang 看清結構,看到 TOEIC 文法, 根本不複雜 !

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Presentation on theme: "How TOEIC is not about Testing Tricky Grammatical Points? ( 老師 ) 一定要注意把焦點放在 字彙 多過 文法 ! By Christina Y. Chang 看清結構,看到 TOEIC 文法, 根本不複雜 !"— Presentation transcript:

1 How TOEIC is not about Testing Tricky Grammatical Points? ( 老師 ) 一定要注意把焦點放在 字彙 多過 文法 ! By Christina Y. Chang 看清結構,看到 TOEIC 文法, 根本不複雜 !

2 準備 part 5, 6, 7 字字讀去 快快快 The more words you know, the faster you can read.

3 三讀通過 一讀 : 人事時地物 二讀 : 過去現在未來 三讀 : 文法骨架子 若沒時間 : 一讀 ! 有時間 : 二讀 還有時間 : 三讀

4 P. 254 Most consumers are familiar with bar codes. Most students are familiar with tests. Most X are familiar with Y. 看清文法骨架子 : 用代數套 !!!

5 These black-and-white stripes appear on almost every product purchased. These X appear on almost every Y. X appear on Y. (every product that is purchased) = every product purchased

6 Often the codes are scanned at the checkout counter, causing the item name and its price to appear on both the cash register screen and the receipt. Often X are scanned at Y, causing Z to appear on both A and B.

7 This gives a record to the consumer and helps store management monitor inventory. This gives X to Y and helps Z do this. monitor 是動詞 監控 庫存 inventory

8 Many delivery services use bar codes to track the progress of each envelop, package or crate in transit. Many X use Y to track the Z of each A, B, or C in transit. Many X use Y to do Z

9 Every item is issued a bar code, which is read at a number of points from the moment it leaves the sender’s hands to the moment the recipient accepts the delivery. Every X is issued a Y, which is read at Z from the moment A to the moment B.

10 An interesting use for the bar code has been developed by a scientist who works with bees. An interesting use for X has been developed by Y who works with Z. X has been developed by Y.

11 The scientists attached bar codes to the backs of individual bees in order to identify them and to follow their movements. X attached Y to the backs of Z in order to do A and to do B.

12 Laser scanners at the entrance of the hive read the bar codes to monitor how long each bee had been gone from the hive. X at the entrance of Y read Z to do A. X read Z to do A.

13 By keeping track of individual bees, scientists hope to learn more about honey production. By doing A, X hope to learn Y.

14 Knowing how far bees travel to gather pollen and how many trips they make back to the hive could eventually help beekeepers predict honey yields. Knowing A and B could eventually help X predict Y.

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