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C N H | K E Y C L U B CNH | Created CNH Administration California-Nevada-Hawaii District July 2014 Presented by Lisa Lotito-Byers, Administrator Secrets.

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Presentation on theme: "C N H | K E Y C L U B CNH | Created CNH Administration California-Nevada-Hawaii District July 2014 Presented by Lisa Lotito-Byers, Administrator Secrets."— Presentation transcript:

1 C N H | K E Y C L U B CNH | Created CNH Administration California-Nevada-Hawaii District July 2014 Presented by Lisa Lotito-Byers, Administrator Secrets of the BEE Class Buzzin’ BEEyond Average

2 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District BEE class performers = CHAMPIONS

3 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District Identify characteristics of a CHAMPION Pair Share Group List

4 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District Video Secrets of the World Class Turning Mediocrity into Greatness BEE

5 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District CHAMPIONS are driven by Emotional Motivators Secret #3

6 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District The Masses are motivated by extrinsic motivators Material possessions Money Stuff Short lived Fun but temporary

7 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District BEE Class is motivated intrinsically Dreams Desires Passions Real fire Self-motivation Emotional-based “White Moment” strongest emotional driver

8 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District ACTION STEP Ask these 5 Critical Thinking Questions: 1.What am I willing to fight for? 2.What values do I hold dearest to my heart? 3.What values would I be willing to die for? 4.If I could achieve a single thing, what would make all my hard work worth the struggle? 5.If I had thirty seconds left to live, what would I say are the three most important things I learned about how to live a happy life?

9 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District LEARN & Grow Secret #16 The Great Ones Believe THEY CANNOT FAIL They can only

10 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District Average performers Learning begins & ends at school Avoid risks Attempt to win without pain So afraid to fail; they only attempt goals they know they can reach

11 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District CHAMPIONS are… Committed to never-ending personal and professional growth Look for opportunities Move forward with little concern for failure “FAIL” their way to Success “I cannot fail… I can only learn & grow”

12 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District ACTION STEP Begin telling yourself YOU CANNOT FAIL; you can only LEARN & GROW. Keep repeating these words to yourself at every opportunity for the next 30 days, and see what happens. I cannot fail; I can only learn & grow!

13 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District If at first you don’t succeed… -Israel Harold Asper

14 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District BEE CLASS has Great EXPECTATIONS Secret #18 the

15 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District BEE Class performers Driven by positive expectations It is a programming process Easy to do Takes desire & persistence Affirmative training Superstars in their minds

16 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District ACTION STEP Outline your expectations in every area of your life & then ask the ultimate critical thinking question Should I expect more? If your answer is yes, then raise your expectations and upgrade how you talk to yourself and others about your heightened aspirations.

17 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District “High achievement always takes place in the framework of HIGH EXPECTATION ” -Charles Kettering

18 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District CHAMPIONS thrive on BEE Class Self-Talk Secret #22

19 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District Self-Talk What we say to ourselves all day long and how we say it Average performers Oblivious to what or how it affects the quality of their lives 77% of self-talk is NEGATIVE Talk themselves into or out of things

20 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District BEE Class Aware of the POWER of language in programming and reprogramming Process begins with the use of language with themselves and others Great ones create ideas out if thin air; convince themselves achievement is possible, and then go out and make it happen!

21 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District ACTION STEP Begin monitoring everything you say to yourself and others. Ask this critical thinking question: Is the way I use language programming me for success or failure? Next begin listening to the way people around you use language. Ask yourself the same question about them. This is an eye-opening experience.

22 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District “ Relentless, repetitive self-talk is what changes our self-image.” -Denis Waitley

23 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District Great Ones Use Mentors Secret #26 the

24 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District Work Smarter NOT Harder Learn from mentors who have the ability to accelerate the process exponentially “COPY GENIUS” Build mentor teams Guide, teach, advise, encourage you to think BIGGER & reach HIGHER than ever before

25 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District MENTORS Raise levels of awareness & expectation Prod and push champions to reach new heights—to go outside their comfort zones Accelerate performer’s growth

26 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District ACTION STEP Make a list of the five most important people you know. Make a commitment to use the “copy genius’ philosophy” with them.

27 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District The ultimate source of information and the who world’s living wisdom lies in the MINDS OF OTHERS … ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS -Walter Hailey

28 CNH | Training Topic: Secrets of the BEE Class CNH Key Club District Questions? Tap into your mental toughness YOU possess the secrets of CHAMPIONS

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