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Food Allergy Spelling Bee. Rules Participants need piece of paper and a pen Keep track of your score – 1 point/correct word – Correct spellings given.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Allergy Spelling Bee. Rules Participants need piece of paper and a pen Keep track of your score – 1 point/correct word – Correct spellings given."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Allergy Spelling Bee

2 Rules Participants need piece of paper and a pen Keep track of your score – 1 point/correct word – Correct spellings given at the end of each round NO CELL PHONES!

3 ROUND 1 Hard

4 Word 1: A severe, potentially life- threatening allergic reaction. It can happen within seconds or minutes of an allergen entering the body. ___________________

5 Word 2: It defends people against germs and bacteria. An allergy is when it overreacts to something that's harmless to most people causing allergic symptoms. _________________________

6 Word 3: Signs or evidence of someone’s medical condition. _________________________

7 ANSWERS Round 1

8 Round 1 Answers Word 1. Anaphylaxis Word 2: Immune System Word 3: Symptoms

9 ROUND 2 Harder

10 Word 4: A lung condition that causes difficulty breathing. Symptoms include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. It is often associated with allergies _________________________

11 Wor d 5: It is another name for adrenaline and is the medicine of choice for controlling anaphylactic reactions. In Canada we have EpiPen® and Allerject™. _________________________

12 Word 6: A medical process where doctors give increasing doses of an allergen in the hope that the body and immune system becomes used to it. _________________________

13 ANSWERS Round 2

14 Round 2 Answers Word 4. Asthma Word 5: Epinephrine Word 6: Immunotherapy

15 ROUND 3 Extra Hard

16 Word 7: A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an upcoming event or something with an uncertain outcome. _________________________

17 Word 8: A whistling noise in the chest accompanied by difficulty breathing that is caused by the tightening of the airway. It is a serious sign of an allergic reaction. _________________________

18 Word 9: An allergic reaction that has two stages. Often the first stage of symptoms will be under control; however, the second stage has symptoms that may return hours later. _________________________

19 ANSWERS Round 3

20 Round 3 Answers Word 7. Anxiety Word 8: Wheezing Word 9: Biphasic

21 ROUND 4 Really Hard

22 Word 10: Occurs when a food that does not itself contain any allergens is accidently in contact with an allergen during food preparation, cooking, storage, or serving. __________________________

23 Word 11: Identifying a condition such as allergies through a doctor’s examination of the symptoms. _________________________

24 Word 12: A skin problem that has itchy, red rashes typically found behind the elbows and knees. _________________________

25 ANSWERS Round 4

26 Round 4 Answers Word 10. Cross-Contamination Word 11: Diagnosis Word 12: Eczema

27 ROUND 5 Crazy Hard!

28 Word 13: A runny nose with swelling, redness and soreness, more commonly referred to as hay fever. _________________________

29 Word 14: A tightening or narrowing of your airway making it hard to breathe. _________________________

30 Word 15: A white blood cell that is involved in the immune response in allergic diseases. _________________________

31 ANSWERS Round 5

32 Round 5 Answers Word 13. Rhinitis Word 14: Bronchospasm Word 15: Eosinophil

33 Tally Your Scores 1 Point/Correct Spelling

34 Thanks for Playing!

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