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RAH Day 36 Agenda Goal – to understand how Ronald Reagan was both similar to and different from previous presidents. To understand how his views of foreign.

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Presentation on theme: "RAH Day 36 Agenda Goal – to understand how Ronald Reagan was both similar to and different from previous presidents. To understand how his views of foreign."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAH Day 36 Agenda Goal – to understand how Ronald Reagan was both similar to and different from previous presidents. To understand how his views of foreign policy differed from others and the effects these policies had. Review last few questions about Reaganomics Complete p 20 – analyze the cartoon about Reagan’s policies – answer the attached 3 questions Complete p 22 about social situation in 80s (see some video) Complete p 23 foreign policy under Reagan and Bush 41 Complete p 24 and 25 about the middle east

2 Ortega Amnesia By Jackson Diehl - Monday, October 20, 2008; A15 This is a column about a country that has scarcely been mentioned in the presidential campaign, that has disappeared from the American press and that has essentially been forgotten by Washington -- which is the oddest part of the story. After all, two decades ago Nicaragua and its president, Daniel Ortega, inspired fierce passions here: Democrats and Republicans spent most of a decade bitterly debating whether to fund an armed opposition movement against his Sandinista regime, and senior Reagan administration officials broke the law in order to do so. The Real Plumbers of Ohio The Real Plumbers of Ohio By Paul KrugmanOctober 20, 2008Paul Krugman Forty years ago, Richard Nixon made a remarkable marketing discovery. By exploiting America’s divisions — divisions over Vietnam, divisions over cultural change and, above all, racial divisions — he was able to reinvent the Republican brand. The party of plutocrats was repackaged as the party of the “silent majority,” the regular guys — white guys, it went without saying — who didn’t like the social changes taking place.

3 Goal: stimulate economystimulate economy Method: cut gov’t spending on social programs and lowered income taxes Result: Slashed poverty programs like Women, Infant and Child (WIC) program cut even though 22% of all US children lived in poverty, cut school lunch program and student loans.poverty programs No spending on AIDS research until after 1986 Massive Tax cuts for the rich - top tax rate decreased from 70% in 1980 to 50% in 1982 to 28% in 1988 while the tax rate for the median income 1980 – 28%, 1982 - 29%, 1988 – 28% Gap between rich and poor got wider, cities got poorerrich and poor Little change in SS & Medicare Recession until 1982, then significant GDP growth to 1989, decrease in inflation, increase in jobs, wages, and confidence in economy Massive increase in national debt and federal government yearly deficits, Trade deficit p 8 - Conservative Policies Under Reagan and Bush - Reaganomics

4 Reagan’s solutions to the above problems Supply-Side economics = Reaganomics 1.Cut gov’t spending, especially entitlement programs 2.Cut taxes, especially on businesses and the wealthy 3.Simplify the depreciation schedule 4.Cut business regulations including environmental enforcement 5.Improve monetary policy 6.Promote confidence in the US 7.Cut and limit government activity related to business Producer/supplier of goods and services Consumer of goods and services Keynesian policy Government $$$ - welfare, jobs, housing subsidies, food stamps

5 1.Cut gov’t spending, especially entitlement programs 2.Cut taxes, especially on businesses and the wealthy 3.Simplify the depreciation schedule 4.Cut business regulations including environmental enforcement 5.Improve monetary policy 6.Promote confidence in the US 7.Cut and limit government activity related to business Reagan’s solutions to the above problems Supply-Side economics = Reaganomics Producer/supplier of goods and services Consumer of goods and services Supply side policy Government Business tax cuts, investment tax cuts, deregulation, lower interest rates Trickle $ $ $ Down


7 Goal: stimulate economy Method: increase spending on military Result: new weapons systems like MX nuclear missile, the B-1 long- range bomber Plans for the Strategic Defense Initiative SDI otherwise known as Star Wars Huge budget deficits and national debt increases Goal: promote traditional values and morality Method: naming conservative judges to federal judiciaryconservative judges Results: overturned or weakened laws about abortion (but it remained legal today), affirmative action, civil rights for women, criminal rights and discrimination protections (especially for gays and women) Other methods – pushing for tougher laws against drugs, indecency p 8 - Conservative Policies Under Reagan and Bush

8 Goal: reduce the size and power of federal gov’t Method: deregulate savings and loan industry (and other industries) Results: huge screw up in the S and L industry leading to massive bankruptcies of these institutions and the FSLIC bailout of over $200 billion Increases in mergers and acquisitions leading to massive new companies but also new innovations and competition leading to lowered prices and better products Method: cut EPA Result: severe decrease in environmental prosecutions, increased logging, grazing and mining and sale of public lands leading to increased pollution and habitat loss p 8 - Conservative Policies Under Reagan and Bush

9 American Society in a Conservative Age 1.Health Spread of AIDS Costs related to AIDS Abortion Drugs – use and crime 2. Education Lagging test scores High illiteracy School choice Computer literacy 3. cities Low tax base High unemployment High crime Crumbling infrastructure like sanitation, health services Drop in: AFDC$, fed aid to cities, low income housing homelessness

10 American Society in a Conservative Age 1. Women No ERA More women in public Divorce Pay equity Weak child support Veto of family leave act Cuts to AFDC and WIC 2. African Americans More in public Increasing income & education gap Lower opportunities Cuts in affirmative action by the Supreme Court 3. Latinos More in public Exploitation of farm workers Bilingual education Popularity of latino culture 4. Native Americans Decrease in federal aid Development of casinos 5. Asian americans Apology for Japanese internment Immigration Not much in public 6. Gays and Lesbians Decriminalization in some states, Bowers upholds it Not much $ for AIDS until ’86 Bush refuses to support hate laws

11 Social and Cultural Conflict 1980s Issue describedConservative beliefsLiberal beliefs Family – divorce rates up More un-wed parents 2/3 of women working outside home TV – violence and sex Drugs poverty 1.Dad works – mom should be at home with kids 2.Lessen violence and sex on TV with more rules, penalties and protest’t to promote god 4.Prayer in school 5.Creationism in school 6.Gays hurt families 1.Poor need more help 2.People need to be individually happy 3.Religion is personal, not public 4.No censorship – let people make their own choices Education colleges appear too liberal Public schools are not working and US kids are falling behind the rest of the world 1.Need schools to promote proper values – prayer and patriotism 2.Keep evolution, sex, drugs and bad language out of schools 3.Teach the basics of reading, writing, western civilization and math 1.Science should be taught as science, with out politico-religion 2.New studies about different cultures should be taught – move away from Amero-centrism

12 Social and Cultural Conflict 1980s Issue describedConservative beliefsLiberal beliefs Poverty – lots of poor people Increased levels of homelessness and under-nutrition for poor children 1.Poverty is the fault of the poor 2.Gov’t Great Society created a culture of poor- disincentive to work and have normal married families 3.Poor cheat the welfare system 4.People need to be self-reliant 5.Private charities can help 1.Poor need more help 2.Gov’t programs need to be tailored to work for the neediest americans 3.States and cities need the help of the federal gov’t 4.Wealthy can pay more taxes Abortion – legalized by Roe v Wade increased numbers of abortions some people used it as birth control 1.Abortion is evil, immoral murder 2.Roe should be overturned 3.Pro-choice is really “culture of death” 4.Boycott clinics, use violence, 5.End public financing of abortions and birth control for poor 1.Feminists see abortion as a woman’s right and related to equality 2.Individual liberty leads to choice 3.Pro-family work policies like flex-time and parental leave would lessen # of abortions 4.More family planning

13 Social and Cultural Conflict 1980s Issue describedConservative beliefsLiberal beliefs AIDS – 1981 AIDS first identified Rock Hudson, friend of Reagan dies of AIDS 1986 – presidential commission to investigate and a small amount of fed $ spent on research AIDS deaths reach 46,000 by 1988 1.Gay’s fault 2.No need to research because it only affects gays and druggies 3.Contraception is immoral 4.Federal funding is very low until 1986, and Reagan does not publicly say AIDS till ‘87 1.Need much more money for research 2.Need public campaign for education for prevention 3.Public availability for contraception including in schools Immigration – lots of new immigrants from many new places – 1 million/yr Language, music changed Conflict b/t old and new immigrants intermarriage 1.Immigration Reform and Control Act – some amnesty for older immigrants and workers, fines for employers 2.1986 CA initiative to require English 1.Multi-culturalism in schools 2.New “other” studies programs 3.Bilingual education and ESL 4.More leniency for illegal immigrant families

14 Comparing Quintiles Mean family income in current 2005 $ – US Census - CPS


16 NationsKey peopleEventstrends USSRMikhail Gorbachev Boris Yeltsin Perestroika, Glasnost, START, INF, Fall of USSR Democratization, capitalism, failure of communism, warming of relations PolandNew constitution, fall of communism Democratization, capitalism GermanyFall of Berlin wall Reunification Democratization YugoslaviaSlobodan MilosovicBalkanization and 2 civil wars Democratization, capitalism, genocide ChinaDeng Xioaping, Li Peng Tiananmen Square Economic reform Strengthening authoritarianism, capitalism, GDP growth NicaraguaSomoza, Ortega, chamorro, contras, Sandanistas Civil war, CIA activities, aid to contras, Boland A. Democratization,

17 NationsKey individualseventsTrends PanamaNoriega, Bushdrug dealing Invasion of panama, arrest of Noriega War on drugs, yankee imperialism IranAyatollah Khomeini, Reagan, Ollie North, Larry Walsh Iran-Iraq War, Hostages & civil war in Lebanon, trading guns for money for hostages Lying to Congress, law breaking, hypocrisy IraqSaddam Hussein, GHW Bush, Colin Powell, Norman Schwartzkopf War with Iran, money and weapons for Hussein, war against Iraq War and mistakes

18 Locations of CIA covert operations to overthrow unwanted leftist governments $ $

19 1981 – Reagan orders Director of CIA William Casey to begin to help to overthrow the Sandinistas by arming and training the Contra rebels based in neighboring Honduras. 1983 – Congress puts into effect the 1982 Boland Amendment that outlaws funding for the Contras From 1983 through 1985 Reagan ordered the NSC to find ways to go around the Boland Amendments 1985 the National Security Advisor Anthony MacFarlane, NSC staffer Col. Oliver North, DCI Casey and Reagan approved a plan to: - sell 1500 anti-tank and stinger missiles to Iran, for use against US-backed and armed Iraq in return Iran would secure the release of the Hizbollah-held hostages in Lebanon - MacFarlane and Poindexter were also tasked with raising $ from private and foreign country sources for use by the Contras - the Iranians were overcharged for the weapons and the profits were then funneled to the Contras in Nicaragua Iran-Contra

20 Oliver North Lt. Col. Oliver North testifies before the joint House-Senate panels investigating the Iran- Contra affair on Capitol Hill on July 7, 1987. North served as an aide to the National Security Council (NSC) during the Reagan administration and was the key figure in the Iran-contra scandal that erupted in 1986.

21 1986 – the plan continues under new NSA John Poindexter 1986 – story is uncovered in Nicaragua and Lebanon by reporters. Congress is unhappy that Reagan violated his own rules about negotiating with terrorists and for the violation of the Boland Amendment. Investigations ensue by a joint select committee of Congress and Reagan appoints the Tower Commission to investigate. Colonel North destroys documents and other evidence. The investigations show that Reagan was aware of the situation and his administration was playing fast and loose with the laws and repeatedly lied to Congress and the American people. North, Poindexter and Defense Secretary Weinberger were convicted of lying, etc Iran-Contra

22 Median family income in current 2005 $ – US Census Bureau Current Population Survey

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