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 Welcome to the Open Sky Webinar The webinar starts at 6pm, see you soon!

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Presentation on theme: " Welcome to the Open Sky Webinar The webinar starts at 6pm, see you soon!"— Presentation transcript:

1  Welcome to the Open Sky Webinar The webinar starts at 6pm, see you soon!

2 Jonathan S. Mitchell, MA, LPC

3   A situation where two or more people or organizations compete for influence. Definition


5   Awareness is curative Be Aware!

6   “We are really fighting each other here, huh?”  “Neither one of us is budging on this.” Name What is Obvious

7   Both for myself and other  Outside support? What Is Really Going On?

8   Who is more invested?  If I am more attached to the outcome than the other, I am close to “losing.” It Takes Two

9   Be clear and take ownership within one’s role (e.g., as parent, caregiver, supervisor)  Humility  Apologize? “I” Statements

10   Make oneself available Connection Within Boundary

11   Inquire  Reflect  Within Boundary Question, Validate, Boundary

12   Perhaps even compromises?  This breeds a sense of empowerment and also builds connection. What is Negotiable?

13   Allow the space for natural consequences  Let the fodder grow… Pick Your Battles

14   Which means “reliable”  Clear consequences ahead of time  And this inspires trust…thus openness…thus connection… Be Consistent


16  I win!

17   If I relate to someone because I want to “win” then I have already “lost.”  There is no connection within a power struggle.  Therefore, the question is then how do I make myself and “other” feel powerful so that the “struggle” dissolves. Paradigm Shift

18   The best way I have found to do this is to redefine “power” as “value.”  How can I bring the most amount of value to within the relationship that is playing out.  For most of us who have been unable to break the pattern, it takes making a conscious effort to bring value into the relationship. Paradigm Shift

19  Thank you!  Your participation speaks volumes to the dedication and love you have for yourself and your families..  Contact Information:  Please keep this browser window open; it will take you to a short survey.

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