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. To carry out our project, the Water Agency Seine- Normandy will support us with a financial help of 1200 euros. It will be granted to us after the realization.

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Presentation on theme: ". To carry out our project, the Water Agency Seine- Normandy will support us with a financial help of 1200 euros. It will be granted to us after the realization."— Presentation transcript:

1 . To carry out our project, the Water Agency Seine- Normandy will support us with a financial help of 1200 euros. It will be granted to us after the realization of water class and convention’s signature. Our teacher asked this agency for a subsidy in order to allow the pupils to get this teaching free of charge. It was accepted in exchange of a complete file. WATER WEEK One Week to enrich our knowledge about on water.

2 It is a governmental organisation which protects water ressources. There are six in France. They raise awareness about the importance of water. It uses the money which is given by the consumers to make protection actions, such as care about nature : river and damp areas, the building of treatment plant, helps for industrialists, the improvement of the quality and the security in the supply of drinking water. They take preventive actions in schools. They created water classes in 1987.

3 Le musée Malraux : a guide, in the museum, will compare some paintings about the Harbour and the water. Monday 3rd May

4 Crépuscule sur le bassin du Commerce au Havre, Eugène Boudin (1824-1898)

5 Le bassin de l’Eure au Havre, Eugène Boudin

6 La Vague, Gustave Courbet, 1869.

7 The CODAH : It is the community of Havraise conglomeration. It gathers 17 communes in order to create a common project of development and fitting up of the territory. The mission of CODAH is to organise over the district of the 17 communes : -The supply of drinking water in sufficient quality and quantity -The collection and treatment of waste and rain water -The fight against flooding In addition to this role of organising authority, it is also a network operator, since it produces and distributes drinking water over 4 CODAH communes ( Le Havre, Gainneville, Rogerville, St Martin du Manoir). It also acts as a public service delegatee since it has been given the responsibility by the Port Authority of Le Havre to distribute industrial water pumped from the Seine for processing activities of companies located in the industrial zone of the port. Monday 17th May : M. Hardy (He works at the CODAH) will describe us the water’s distribution and treatment.

8 The Marais Vernier : Thursday 20th May Created the 17th May 1974, the natural park of Boucles de la Seine-Normande has 5 naturel areas: Pays de Caux, the Val de Seine, the Roumois, the Marais Vernier and the Risle Valley. Its aim is to keep this green space between Le Havre and Rouen (two towns with an industrial harbour). Our class : 36 pupils will study the Marais Vernier at the top of the cliffs to understand the evolution of the landscape and to know its history. Then, we will visit the natural reserve. For this outing, we have to wear mackintosh and wellingtons.

9 Collection and recovery of waste water The system includes the waste water collection network, the pumping stations and the treatment plant. The network is combined in Le Havre except in recently urbanised areas where it is of separate type. In the other communes it is separate. The pipes can be up to 2m50 over 3m. The main water treatment plant is located at Cuvier Street in Le Havre. It goes back to 1969 and must be upgraded to satisfy European standards relating to discharge in natural environment. Other smaller and more recent plants exist in the CODAH district, in particular the pollution control plant of Cauville-sur- Mer, inaugurated in 2004.

10 The new water traitment plant (we can’t visit it yet)

11 Friday 21th May We will visit the harbour by boat.

12 During the week dedicated to water, we’ll study the topic. Let us introduce this special week of thrilling Practical Work. Such as in french classes, where we’ll study texts related to the subject of water. In english lessons, we’ll talk about Niagara falls in their different aspects. In sport classes, we’ll practice sailing for 4 weeks. In geography lessons, we’ll study the issues of water in the world. In science, we are going to make workshops about the water treatment. In a nutshell, all our teachers will make us work on water.

13 Water week’s finalities Water Agency will give us a 1200€ subsidy as soon as we finish the synthesis of our project. We will have prepare a report which will sum up the whole mass of the achieved activities.

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