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in the Third World: deprivation of

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2 in the Third World: deprivation of
“ The Reyes Irene Valenzuela School located in Tegucigalpa, Honduras was founded in 2001 as an answer to the problems confronted by poor adolescent girls in the Third World: deprivation of basic human rights, limited formal education, few protection from sexual abuse, and isolation from the larger society.

3 Who was Reyes Irene Valenzuela


Reyes Irene dedicated her life to help the Children and Women of Honduras, and was co-founder of Sociedad Amigos de los niños, working side by side with Sister Maria Ros By the way she was Mae’s Aunt

6 OUR STUDENTS Girls between the ages of 12 to 18, most of whom are migrants from the countryside and teh poorest parts of the city. They often come from broken homes where domestic violence, extreme poverty and little formal educaiton prevail. From an early age these young girls have to work as maids and in other areas of the informal sector, such as street vendors and often exposed to economic exploitation, physical and psychological abuse.

7 OUR OBJECTIVE To erradicate the worst types of child labor through a program offering prevention, protection and education. To teach the girls their legal rights established by the United Nations and Honduran Law.

8 STATISTICS There are more than 351,350 working children in Honduras. A great majority of these children are adolescent girls working as maids with no labour rights.

9 IMPACT They feel they have been torn abruptly from their families
They abandon school and friends, forced to work 14 hour days They are given jobs that go beyond their psychological and physical endurance They feel imprisoned in their labor environment leading to depression and sadness

10 IMPACT ON THE GIRLS Early pregnancy due to ignorance and /or sexual abuse Low income that prevents escaping from poverty . Victims of social discrimination due to their origin, gender or race Victims of physical / emotional abuse, sexual harassment and rape. Average salary $40.00/month – if paid at all..

11 We provide Holistic education in
Sexuality Self esteem Leadership

12 Knowledge of their rights

13 Elementary / Secondary school

14 Medical Attention

15 Legal and Psychological Assistance
Quique (lawyer)

16 Technical Workshops Computer

17 Arts and Crafts

18 Cosmethology

19 Tailoring

Quique (musician)

21 Folk Dances


23 OUTCOMES 175 Young women have left child labor situations for better paying jobs with benefits 102 finished High School 115 in University 28 working in their own new small businesses

24 Expectations Empower young women to advocate for changes in unjust labor laws and any other abuse of dignity. To raise the educational level of the girls To provide technical skills.

25 Expectations To reach and participate in a legislation that protects the child. Creation of micro-enterprises that will generate higher income and better working conditions.

26 “to protect and educate children is a labor of love, of humanity, and of reason.”
Sr. Maria Rosa

27 The 420 young women of Reyes Irene Valenzuela School
Gracias Friends Of Honduran Children For helping us build a better future for ourselves, our families and our country. The 420 young women of Reyes Irene Valenzuela School

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