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Korean War Forgotten War. World War II 38 th parallel temporary solution to dispute between United States and Soviet Union North: Soviet Union South:

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Presentation on theme: "Korean War Forgotten War. World War II 38 th parallel temporary solution to dispute between United States and Soviet Union North: Soviet Union South:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Korean War Forgotten War

2 World War II 38 th parallel temporary solution to dispute between United States and Soviet Union North: Soviet Union South: United States June 1950 war breaks out North Korean troops invade South Korea with Soviet tanks and airpower. Conquer South Korea in weeks

3 U.S. gains support of U.N. Soviets could not use veto power b/c they were not there Left b/c China was not allowed into the U.N. Police action 16 nations involved U.S. made-up 80% of force

4 General Douglas MacArthur Excellent military strategist Landed at Pusan Only portion of South Korea not conquered by North Korea Attached weakest point Inchon: cut-off troops and supplies lines of the North Koreans Nov. 1950 Pushed North Koreans almost into China

5 China responds with aggression Did not want a western influenced country as a neighbor China with the help of the N. Koreans pushed U.N. forces back across the 38 th parallel Stalemate MacArthur wants to open a second front to end stalemate Truman does not widespread war in Asia 1953 Truce was signed

6 Results 54,000 U.S. solders killed 103,000 wounded 1 st war where white & negro solders served in the same unit Military spending increases Signed treaty with Japan








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