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XEUS  Science /Configuration Status Global Collaboration Aim of this meeting Johan Bleeker, 26 October 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "XEUS  Science /Configuration Status Global Collaboration Aim of this meeting Johan Bleeker, 26 October 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 XEUS  Science /Configuration Status Global Collaboration Aim of this meeting Johan Bleeker, 26 October 2004

2 Cosmic Vision 2015 – 2025 Science theme: The Evolving Violent Universe By enlarge this theme is covered by the XEUS science case for the study of: Evolution of large scale structure – probing Dark Matter and EnergyEvolution of large scale structure – probing Dark Matter and Energy SNe and the life cycle of matterSNe and the life cycle of matter Coeval growth of galaxies and their super-massive black holesCoeval growth of galaxies and their super-massive black holes Gravity in the strong field limitGravity in the strong field limit Matter under extreme conditionsMatter under extreme conditions

3 Key Observatory Characteristics Wide-field (10’) collecting area > 10m 2 –Spectral diagnostics of the first accreting black holes at a sensitivity level of 5x10 -18 ergs cm -2 sec -1 Spectroscopic (resolution 10 m 2 for photon energies < 2 keV, –Spectral diagnostics of low-brightness extended thin plasma sources like early galaxy groups and clusters: significant detection of the most prominent X-ray emission lines, e.g. O VII, Si XIII, against the (galactic) soft X-ray sky background Angular resolution between 2 and 5 arcsec –Minimise source confusion –Minimise photon background due to the galactic foreground X-ray emission

4 High Precision Pore Optic Start with exceptionally flat and polished silicon wafer Next, a rib structure is etched in the wafer

5 The ribbed plates are robotically stacked under interferometer control stackribbed plates High Precision Pore Optic petal Each stacked module of 70x70 mm is mounted into a petal segment of the final mirror

6 Si-pore PSF: sample of 2 cm 2

7 Mirror technologies

8 High Precision Pore Optic 1 XMM module

9 Attainable A eff @ 1 keV 2 (MSC/DSC) Soyuz- Fregat launches Single Ariane launch (MSC+DSC)

10 XEUS Deployed at L2

11 The AWG have prioritized: – Earth-like Planets and Biomarkers (Darwin), Observatory class – Evolving Violent Universe (XEUS), Observatory class: AWG recommends under Observatory-class missions: “a high throughput, high angular, spectral and time resolution telescope in the X-ray domain for the detection and detailed study of the imprints of the evolution of the Universe, especially those triggered by violent events. AWG also gives high priority to the continuation of the present technology program for this project and strongly and unanimously recommends that all steps be taken to ensure that such a mission can be flown as early as possible in the 2015 time frame. – Dark-Energy Probe (e.g. possible contribution to SNAP/JDEM) – Microwave Polarization Mapper (Planck-successor) – Far-Infrared Telescope (Herschel-successor), Observatory class XEUS – Status within ESA (1)

12 XEUS – Status within ESA (2) Strong support for Darwin- and XEUS-type missions as cornerstones of the future program. Next steps: – Well received by SSAC on Oct 19/20, 2004, drafting committee will merge the 3 WG recommendations for a working session of SSAC on Dec 6/7 to prepare the roadmap of Cosmic Visions 2015-2025 – SPC approval of Cosmic Visions roadmap – Call for specific missions (cornerstones?) about a year from now (end 2005)

13 Competition within the ESA system will be for who goes first between Darwin and XEUS. Strong interest from the engineers for XEUS, then Darwin to “learn” how to formation fly. Collaboration with NASA and JAXA will help ensure a XEUS-like mission is in the ESA planning for a 2015 launch. Scene is set to start thinking about the science goals of the first truly global X- ray astronomy mission. Once these are clear we can investigate the payload and mission scenario that can best deliver the science we want. Starburst Galaxy Cas A Supernova Cooling Flow Jets Crab Pulsar Black Holes GLOBAL COLLABORATION

14 Collaborative mission XEUS/Con-X “Red line items” identified by XEUS-SAG XEUS science goals have to be respected Minimum effective area: 10 m 2 @ 1 keV, 2-5” HEW Payload is decided by an appropriate qualified panel (e.g. XEUS-SAG and Con-X steering group) European-led Cryogenic instrument European-led Wide Field Imaging instrument (including HTR-capability) Japanese-led hard X-ray capability A significant role in science operations in Europe and Japan This Meeting

15 Aim of this meeting Explore the breadth-of-interest in the development of a European-led cryogenic imaging spectrometer for XEUS, scientifically as well as technologically Gauge the current status of relevant technology development (plans) at the participant’s institutes Discuss the desired requirement specification, also in view of complementarity with a US-supplied cryogenic spectrometer for the higher photon energies Assess the perspective of TES-based, STJ-based and magnetic imaging calorimeters and identify the commonalities in sensor/ read-out technology and test infrastructure Define a road map leading to the actual production of a European prototype calorimeter array with the required performance by the end of 2006. Agree in principle on collaboration (collaborative efforts) and subdivision of tasks between interested parties. Appoint responsible for central coordination and monitoring of progress

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