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Science Processes in VOTECH Nicholas Walton AstroGrid Project Scientist and Euro-VO VOTC Project Scientist IoA, Cambridge 18 Nov2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Processes in VOTECH Nicholas Walton AstroGrid Project Scientist and Euro-VO VOTC Project Scientist IoA, Cambridge 18 Nov2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Processes in VOTECH Nicholas Walton AstroGrid Project Scientist and Euro-VO VOTC Project Scientist IoA, Cambridge 18 Nov2004

2 N A Walton - VOTECK kick-off - IoA, Cambridge Nov 18, 2004p2 Printed: 18/11/04 X-ray cluster: Chandra X- ray (Mullis) overlaid on a deep BRI image (Clowe & Luppino). ESO Multiple large image sources: registration & association Source ID from multiplexed spectral data Multi-TB λCDM models, e.g. Millennium Sim Generate Shear Maps c.f. CDM models > DM distribution with redshift Remove stars correlate gals with z Colour-Colour relationships classification in multi-phase space Automatic cluster finding techniques NASA Recap: how to get to here?

3 N A Walton - VOTECK kick-off - IoA, Cambridge Nov 18, 2004p3 Printed: 18/11/04 Example Inputs: Post AVO Demo 2005

4 N A Walton - VOTECK kick-off - IoA, Cambridge Nov 18, 2004p4 Printed: 18/11/04 Euro-VO: VOTECH Key Goals ● Complete ALL technical preparatory work required for the construction of the Euro-VO – Assess new technologies – Designs of new infrastructure components – Designs of science driven user tools – Trial versions of implementations ● For an EFFECTIVE Euro-VO system design: – Usable by end users ● We are not designing a toy for techies! – Thus implementations designed FOR astronomers AND – Implementations USED by astronomers

5 N A Walton - VOTECK kick-off - IoA, Cambridge Nov 18, 2004p5 Printed: 18/11/04 VOTECH deliverables 1) Science Framework document 2) Holistic System designs including components: a) Infrastructure b) Tools c) Resource Discovery d) Data Exploration 3) Euro-VO Reference Architecture Match GOAL to DELIVERABLE: a system for astronomy

6 N A Walton - VOTECK kick-off - IoA, Cambridge Nov 18, 2004p6 Printed: 18/11/04 Science Requirements ● Pre-Existing Inputs – AVO Science Reference Mission – Post AVO 'demo' analysis of needs – Partner science requirements ● Captured Inputs – VOTC external science user group[TESUG: 1 st Meeting 02/04] – VOTC internal science group[TISG] ● Per DS activity drivers ● Requirements Synthesis – TISG analysis – PS analysis and report[DELIVERABLE: MNTH6]

7 N A Walton - VOTECK kick-off - IoA, Cambridge Nov 18, 2004p7 Printed: 18/11/04 VOTC External Science User Group: TESUG: Engaging the Community ● Provide external science input to VOTC – Needs for end to end capabilities – VOTC Project analysis breaks down to component level tools etc ● Provide user feedback to VOTC – Reports and experiences of use of implementations ● Chair: External Scientist, Secretary: VOTC-PS ● Membership ~12-14: – 2-3 members from science advisory groups for partner VO projects ● AstroGrid SAG, F-VO SAG, INAF SAG, ESO – Key external science projects (inc e.g. ESA) – US-VO, JVO scientists

8 N A Walton - VOTECK kick-off - IoA, Cambridge Nov 18, 2004p8 Printed: 18/11/04 VOTC Internal Science Group: TISG ● Remit: ensure match of deliverable vs science utility across the programme ● Note that programme is set of design/ implementations that AS A SYSTEM create the science ready Euro-VO ● Composition – VOTC PS (Chair), VOTC PM – Lead sci reps from the DS areas – VOFC PS and VODC PS ● Ensure input from Euro-VO triad ● Regular meetings/ telecons through project to provide input to VOTC Technical Advisory Panel and advice to DS areas ● Organisation of external science usage of implementations

9 N A Walton - VOTECK kick-off - IoA, Cambridge Nov 18, 2004p9 Printed: 18/11/04 VOTC – Euro-VO Science Interface ● Euro-VO: balancing – Technical System with – Content + Resources and – Operations + Support ● All elements science driven – VOTC – VOFC – VODC ● Science Balance via Euro- VO SSG – Science Steering Group – PS from each – Report to Euro-VO Exec TC: technical system DC: content + resources FC: operations + support Euro-VO

10 N A Walton - VOTECK kick-off - IoA, Cambridge Nov 18, 2004p10 Printed: 18/11/04 VOTC Beta Testing Early involvement of the end user community ● Beta testing programme to test implementations – Programme includes access to continually increasing capabilities ● Beta tester pool composes: – TISG – TESUG – Interested astronomers ● Aim: – Raise visibility and penetration of system – Deployment of a testbed for science ● Target: – Technical system delivers science as measured through usage and results

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