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LSST Studies Large Synoptic Survey Telescope DOE HEP Program Review April 18, 2006 Brookhaven National Laboratory Morgan May.

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Presentation on theme: "LSST Studies Large Synoptic Survey Telescope DOE HEP Program Review April 18, 2006 Brookhaven National Laboratory Morgan May."— Presentation transcript:

1 LSST Studies Large Synoptic Survey Telescope DOE HEP Program Review April 18, 2006 Brookhaven National Laboratory Morgan May

2 2 LSST at Brookhaven Physics Dept (full time): James Frank, Sheng Wang (grad student), Postdoc, MM Instrumentation: Veljko Radeka, Paul O’Connor, Peter Takacs Many others making important contributions

3 Morgan May 3 LSST Astrophysics/Cosmology Cosmology data  Fundamental Physics Nature of Dark Energy: –Vacuum energy, scalar field or modified gravity? –Weak lensing- growth of structure+geometry –Multiple techniques BNL role: Science – Sensors – Data Management/Analysis Collaborators (Camera): Harvard, SLAC, Stanford, LLNL, U. of Illinois at Urbana, U. of Pennsylvania

4 Morgan May 4 LSST Will survey sky 100 times faster than any existing facility. Camera-DOE 3 Gpixel focal plane Data rate comparable to ATLAS

5 Morgan May 5 CMB  LSS  z=1000 3>z>0 WMAP 3 year Courtesy of A. Kravtsov (U Chicago)

6 Morgan May 6 Weak Lensing by Large Scale Structure Courtesy of Alexander Refregier

7 Morgan May 7 Dark Energy Properties: w,w a LSST’s 200,000 galaxy clusters will tightly constrain dark energy equation of state P=wρ

8 Morgan May 8 Neutrino Dark matter: m ν Cosmology sensitive to Σm ν breaking the degeneracy of ν oscillation measurements ν start out as hot dark matter, become non-relativistic (CDM) LSST+Planck sensitive to m ν >.03 eV < m ν atmospheric

9 Morgan May 9 Galaxy Cluster Identification Blue: Galaxy clusters detected by LSST using tomography Green: Apparent clusters due to projection effects LSST R&D Proposal January 2006 To be published Filter Optimization

10 Morgan May 10 Sensor Studies BNL-Harvard-CfA team. BNL lead role in Science Sensor development $1.1 million in study contracts funded by private donors, initiated by BNL Pre-prototype sensors start arriving at BNL in July for testing QE, point spread function of CCD and CMOS imagers. Wavelength range: UV to near IR V. Radeka will discuss tomorrow

11 Morgan May 11 Data Management/Analysis LSST Computing Facility –Synergy with BNL ATLAS Computing –Analysis sensor test data –Benchmarking pipelines on parallel processors –Simulations and analysis of precursor data sets Postdoc 50% funding from LSST Corp

12 Morgan May 12 Future LSST collaboration submitted R&D proposal to DOE January 2006 3 years R&D, followed by 4 years construction; First Light FY 2013 Key role for BNL

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