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Thomaston High School 2008 CMT Report. Math 7 - % at Goal.

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Presentation on theme: "Thomaston High School 2008 CMT Report. Math 7 - % at Goal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thomaston High School 2008 CMT Report

2 Math 7 - % at Goal

3 Math 7 - % Proficient AYP Target

4 Main | HelpMain Repor t Subject s Disaggrega te Filter s Exclud e Select report: Bar Chart Line Graph Select Sub-Groups for Summary: Non e Gend er Ethnicit y F/R Meals Special Ed.ELL Show me all students. Add Filter: Relationship: and Select Content(s): Mathematic s Readin g Exclude groups smaller than: Note: Groups less than 20 must be excluded. Back Students Selected: All Grade 5, 2006Grade 6, 2007Grade 7, 20082006-20082007-2008 N Tested Mean VS N Tested Mean VS N Tested Mean VS N Matched Growt h N Matched Growt h 96501945339654796409612 42108515422255404223655938710454026520 Group Thomasto n State MATH Grade 7 2008

5 Reading 7 - % at Goal

6 Reading 7 - % Proficient AYP Target

7 Main | HelpMain Repor t Subject s Disaggrega te Filter s Exclud e Select report: Bar Chart Line Graph Select Sub-Groups for Summary: Non e Gend er Ethnicit y F/R Meals Special Ed.ELL Show me all students. Add Filter: Relationship: and Select Content(s): Mathematic s Readin g Exclude groups smaller than: Note: Groups less than 20 must be excluded. Back Grade 5, 2006Grade 6, 2007Grade 7, 20082006-20082007-2008 N Tested Mean VS N Tested Mean VS N Tested Mean VS N Matched Growt h N Matched Growt h 96457944739549695349521 42075476421584914216451338648384018122 Group Thomasto n State Scaling: Shrink to Fit. Orientation: Potrait. Margins: Max 0.5 inches on all sides. For 'Participation Report', if you select All Grades, set the bottom and top margins to 0.2 inches. © 2008 eMetriceMetric READING Grade 7 2008

8 Writing 7 - % at Goal

9 Writing 7 - % Proficient

10 Math 8 - % at Goal

11 Math 8 - % Proficient AYP Target

12 Grade 6, 2006Grade 7, 2007Grade 8, 20082006-20082007-2008 N Tested Mean VS N Tested Mean VS N Tested Mean VS N Matched Growt h N Matched Growt h 1075261105451085581033410416 43026532429115544289157039543384091716 Group Thomasto n State MATH Grade 8 2008

13 Reading 8 - % at Goal

14 Reading 8 - % Proficient AYP Target

15 Main | HelpMain Repor t Subject s Disaggrega te Filter s Exclud e Select report: Bar Chart Line Graph Select Sub-Groups for Summary: Non e Gend er Ethnicit y F/R Meals Special Ed.ELL Show me all students. Add Filter: Relationship: and Select Content(s): Mathematic s Readin g Exclude groups smaller than: Note: Groups less than 20 must be excluded. Students Selected: All Grade 6, 2006Grade 7, 2007Grade 8, 20082006-20082007-2008 N Tested Mean VS N Tested Mean VS N Tested Mean VS N Matched Growt h N Matched Growt h 105482109499108504101251028 42944490428695064284351639470264086110 Group Thomasto n State READING Grade 8 2008

16 Writing 8 - % at Goal

17 Writing 8 - % Proficient

18 Science 8 - % at Goal

19 Science 8 - % Proficient

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