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NTUNSYSU EU FP7 SSH 計畫參與說明會 SSH NCP 辦公室 計畫經理 洪佩瑩 99 年 3 月 5 日
NTUNSYSU 簡報大綱 一.社會經濟及人文學科( SSH )介紹 SSH 八大主軸研究活動( Activities) 介紹 2010 徵求計畫 (calls) 介紹 FP7 執行中計畫介紹 (on-going projects) SSH 未來研究方向( 2011-2013) 二.執行 EU FP 計畫之建議步驟 三. SSH NCP 可提供之協助 (近期出訪的歐洲大學可協助媒合) 四. SSH NCP website 介紹 2010/3/5 2
NTUNSYSU SSH 介紹 從 1994 年 (FP4) 開始, EU-FP 將社會經濟及人文 的研究獨立成一個主題,計畫演變如下: 2010/3/5 3 FP4 焦點社會經濟研究計畫 (Targeted Socio-economic Research Program) FP5 增進社會經濟知識庫 (Improving the Socio-economic Knowledge Base) FP6 知識社會下的公民及治理 (Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-based Society) FP7 社會經濟及人文學科 (Socio-economic sciences and the humanities, SSH) 計畫演變
NTUNSYSU SSH 介紹 主軸研究活動 (Activity) 及領域 (Area) 的內容是固定的,只有最下層的主題 (Topic) 每年會有不同。(此表為僅供參考,每個主軸活動裡的領域及主題數目不同) 主題 (Topic) 領域 (Area) 主軸研究活動 (Activity) Activity 8.1Area 8.1.1 SSH.2010.1.1- 1 Area 8.1.2 SSH.2010.1.2- 1 Area 8.1.3 SSH.2010.1.3- 1 2010/3/5 4 計畫架構
NTUNSYSU SSH 介紹 1. 歐洲知識社會裡的經濟成長、就業力及競爭力 : 創新、競爭力及勞動市場的相關政策、 教育 及終身學習、經濟結構與生產力。 2. 結合經濟、社會及環境目標,邁向永續發展 :跨區域的經濟與社會連結、社會與經濟面向的 環境政策 3. 歐洲主要社會趨勢研究: 例如人口結構的改變、家庭與工作的協調、健康與優質的生活、青年政 策、社會排除及種族歧視等等 4. 世界中的歐洲: 全球化下歐洲與世界的互動及互賴關係,例如貿易、移民、貧窮、犯罪、衝突及其 解決之道之相關研究等 5. 歐盟底下的公民角色: 如何超越彼此人民間的差異性來達到有效的公民參與,面臨之挑戰有政治 參與、公民的權利與義務、民主及其課責性、文化差異性及價值觀等。 6. 社會經濟指標: 微觀與宏觀層次的政策制定之指標的使用及其效果評估之相關研究 7. 展望未來的研究: 關於全球知識、移民、老化、風險及其他具有前瞻性的領域之科學研究 8. 因應策略之研究: 政策支持與國際合作等之相關研究 2010/3/5 5 八大八大主軸研究活動 ( Activities) 介紹 詳細內容請參考 SSH Work ProgrammeSSH Work Programme ( Work Programme 為了解 FP 各領域研究內涵最重要之文件 ) ( 請至 SSH NCP 網站文件下載專區下載 )
NTUNSYSU SSH 介紹 Activity 8.1: Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society – the European case SSH.2010.1.1-1 Demand-driven research and innovation policies for growth, welfare and wellbeing SSH.2010.1.2-1. Changing the role of the financial system to better serve economic, social and environmental objectives SSH.2010.1.3-1 The public sector of the future 2010/3/5 6 2010 計畫徵求 (calls) 2010 春季的計畫徵求皆已截止( 2010/02/02) ,但以上徵 求題目仍具參考價值,預計下半年度會有新的徵求出來。 詳細的計畫徵求內容(計畫類別、規模、經費、時程)皆 可在 Work Programme 裡找到。
NTUNSYSU SSH 介紹 Activity 8.3: Major trends in society and their implications SSH.2010.3.2-1 Addictions and lifestyles in contemporary European societies 2010/3/5 7 2010 計畫徵求 (calls) Activity 8.4: Europe in the world SSH.2010. 4.1-1 Europe facing a rising multi-polar world SSH.2010.4.1-2 Collective challenges for Latin American and Caribbean Countries SSH.2010.4.1-3 Understanding urbanisation trends and processes in contemporary China SSH.2010.4.2-1 Cultures of governance and conflict resolution in Europe and India Activity 8.2: Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective – Paths towards sustainable development SSH.2010.2.1-1 Creating and adapting jobs in Europe in the context of a socio- ecological transition SSH.2010.2.1-2. Local welfare systems favouring social cohesion SSH.2010.2.1-3 Analysis of the impacts of global changes SSH.2010.2.1-4 Social Platform on Sustainable Lifestyles SSH.2010.2.2-1 EU regions and their interaction with the neighbourhood regions
NTUNSYSU SSH 介紹 Activity 8.8.: Horizontal actions SSH.2010.8-1 Mobilising the network of NCPs for specific tasks SSH 2010.8-5 Quantification of climate change impacts on economic sectors in the Arctic" SSH 2010.8-6 Vectors of changes in marine life, impact on economic sectors SSH 2010.8-7 Sub-seabed carbon storage and the marine environment SSH 2010. 8-8 Support to the preparation of ERANET / ERANET Plus projects Joint call: The Ocean of tomorrow - Joining research forces to meet challenges in ocean management 2010/3/5 8 2010 計畫徵求 (calls) Activity 8.5: The Citizen in the European Union SSH.2010.5.1-1 Democracy and the shadows of totalitarianism and populism: the European experience SSH.2010.5.2-1 European Identities: Inner and outer perceptions of Europe and the EU SSH.2010.5.2-2 Reinterpreting Europe's cultural heritage: towards the 21st century library and museum?
NTUNSYSU SSH 介紹 2010/3/5 9 2010 計畫徵求 (calls) 2010 calls especially for Humanities researchers SSH.2010.1.2-1 Changing the role of the financial system to better serve economic, social and environmental objectives SSH.2010.1.3-1 The public sector of the future SSH.2010.2.1-4 Social Platform on Sustainable Lifestyles SSH.2010.3.2-1 Addictions and lifestyles in contemporary European societies SSH.2010.4.1-2 Collective challenges for Latin American and Caribbean Countries SSH.2010.4.1-3 Understanding urbanisation trends and processes in contemporary China SSH.2010.4.2-1 Cultures of governance and conflict resolution in Europe and India SSH.2010.5.1-1 Democracy and the shadows of totalitarianism and populism: the European SSH.2010.5.2-1 European Identities: Inner and outer perceptions of Europe and the EU SSH.2010.5.2-2 Reinterpreting Europe's cultural heritage: towards the 21st century library
NTUNSYSU SSH 介紹 SSH List of Projects (FP6) SSH List of Projects 2007-2009 (FP7)SSH List of Projects 2007-2009 (目錄於附件,全文請至 SSH NCP 網站文件下 載專區下載)文件下 載 正進行中 / 或剛通過之計畫目前約 108 件 (所有計畫可至 SSH NCP 網站計畫查詢專區 查詢)計畫查詢 2010/3/5 10 Ongoing Projects
NTUNSYSU SSH 介紹 其他科研主題裡與 SSH 相關的計畫徵求: 詳細內容請參照 Opportunities for Researchers from the SSH Opportunities for Researchers from the SSH ( 目錄列表於附件,全文可至 SSH NCP 網站文件下載專區下載 )文件下載 其他領域裡與 SSH 相關執行中計畫目前已整理至 SSH NCP 網站,請至計畫查詢 專區查詢。計畫查詢 COOPERATION Health, KEEB, ICT, NMP, Energy, Environment, Transport, Space, Security IDEAS ERC Starting Independent Research Grant and ERC advanced Investigators Grant PEOPLE 無主題限制,故皆有機會 CAPACITIES Research Infrastructures, Research Potential of Convergence Regions, Science in Society, International Cooperation 2010/3/5 11 2010 opportunities
NTUNSYSU SSH 介紹 Strategies for recovery from financial crisis Lifelong learning for sustaining better jobs Activity 1 Sustainable Development World food/ Green economy/ Combating poverty Activity 2 Sustainable health and health systems in Europe Criminal behaviors/ re-evaluating disability Activity 3 The evolving concept of borders Relations with the USA and Africa Activity 4 Maximize the benefits of diversity Challenges with diversity: justice/linguistic Activity 5 Impact assessment of EU policies efficiency and effectiveness Social impact assessment framework Activity 6 Futures of Europe and integration Sustainable cities in Europe Activity 7 None specified yet Activity 8. 2011Beyond 2011 Communication revolution (ICT generation) Single market after enlargement Potential large scale migration to Europe Making longevity a truly European asset Anticipating and evaluating world and European policy challenge None specified yet Peace building in a war-torn system Uneven development and human right Building a creative Europe Unity in linguistic diversity Criminal and justice indicator European Energy Security Sustainable development of countryside 2010/3/5 12 2011-2013 Roadmap 詳細內容請參照 SSH Indicative Strategic Research Roadmap SSH Indicative Strategic Research Roadmap ( 全文請至 SSH NCP 網站文件下載專區下載 )文件下載
NTUNSYSU 執行 EU FP 計畫之建議步驟 階段對象建議步驟 1. 我完全不知道 EU-FP 建議參加說明會,先閱讀 Work Program 瞭解 SSH 的 計畫內容及方向,尋找有無適合自己的主題 2. 我已閱讀 Work Programme ,也透過 SSH NCP 提供 的資料,找到我有興趣且正在執行中的議題,接下來 我可以怎麼做? 建議拜訪該計畫網站 (SSH NCP 可協助),資料豐 富具參考價值,同時直接與該計畫主持人 ( Coordinator) 聯繫。 深入瞭解對方研究後,寄發 email 介紹自己的研究 專長,初擬可能合作 / 貢獻之研究方向,並附上清楚 正確的聯絡資訊。 3. 我有歐洲合作伙伴,但不曉得對方有無執行 EU-FP ? SSH NCP 可協助查詢歐洲合作伙伴有無參與 FP 計 畫。 倘若有,建議與過去歐洲合作伙伴共同研擬申請 EU-FP ,並鼓勵積極尋找可申請的主題,與對方一同 討論合作可能性。 倘若無,也可建議對方申請,或尋找具潛力之歐方 伙伴,共同形成團隊,申請 FP 計畫。 4. 我已執行國科會 cooking projectSSH NCP 協助處理執行中遇到的困難,倘若無法解 決,也協助向國科會反應執行上之困難(例如經費問 題) 2010/3/5 13
NTUNSYSU SSH NCP 可提供之協助 2010/3/5 14 持續深入瞭解並整理 SSH 所有相關計畫及徵求,提供最關鍵、 最新的資訊。 主動將歐盟執行中 / 剛結束計畫提供給專長領域相關之學者, 並協助計畫查詢及媒合。 ( 但也需要老師主動協助提供專長領域) 舉辦說明會,提供深入淺出的計畫說明。 網站持續更新,且定期發送電子報,提供與歐盟 FP 相關的重 要訊息。 實地出訪歐洲,拜會歐盟 FP 重要單位,尋找合作契機及協助 媒合。 單一窗口提供專業快速的諮詢服務。
NTUNSYSU 3/16-3/26 出訪歐洲,拜會 FP Coordinators –The University of Edinburgh, UK –The University of Exeter, UK –Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium 此行將協助媒合,歡迎對以下計畫有興趣者 ,填寫 Researcher Profile ,並於 3/10 前協同 英文 CV 寄給 SSH NCP 。 Researcher Profile ( Researcher Profile 可至 SSH NCP 網站線上服務直接填寫,或至文件下載區下 載填寫後寄至 )線上服務文件下載 2010/3/5 15 近期出訪 歐洲大學 SSH NCP 可提供之協助
NTUNSYSU 近期出訪的歐洲大學 2010/3/5 16 Edinburgh NameOrganizationProject TitleDuration McQueen HectorSchool of LawJoint Network on European Private Law 2005/05/01- 2009/05/31 Robin WilliamsInstitute for the Study of Science, Technology & Innovation Policies For Research and Innovation in the Move towards the European Research Area 2004/01/01- 2009/12/31 Jenny OzgaDirector of Centre for Educational SociologyThe role of knowledge in the construction and regulation of health and education policy in Europe : convergences and specificities among nations and sectors 2006/01/01- 2011/12/31 Fran WasoffSocial Policy, School of Social and Political Science/ The Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) "The Well-being of children: The impact of changing family forms, working conditions of parents, social policy and legislative measures" 2004/05/01- 2007/05/31 Sheila RiddellDirector of Centre for Research in Education Inclusion and Diversity / Moray House School of Education Towards a Lifelong Learning Society in Europe: The Contribution of the Education System 2005/09/01- 2010/09/30 Robin WILLIAMSInstitute for the Study of Science, Technology & Innovation China EU information technology standards research partnership http://www.china-eu- 2008/03/01- 2010/03/31 Mark ASPINWALLPolitics and International Relations, School of Social and Political Science Multilateralism and the EU in the contemporary global order 2009/02/01- 2012/02/28
NTUNSYSU 近期出訪的歐洲大學 NameOrganizationProject TitleDuration Paul CLOKEDepartment of Geography School of Geography Archaeology and Earth Resources Faith-based organization and exclusion in European cities 2008/01/01- 2010/12/31 ClaudioClaudio RadaelliDepartment of Politics School of Humanities and Social Sciences European Network for Better Regulation 01/01/2006- 2008/12/31 Claudio RadaelliDepartment of Politics School of Humanities and Social Sciences Evaluating Integrated Impact Assessments 01/02/2006- 2007/12/31 Claudio RadaelliDepartment of Politics School of Humanities and Social Sciences Integrated and United? A Quest for Citizenship in an 'Ever Closer Europe' 01/09/2005- 2009/12/31 Dario CastiglioneSchool of Historical, Political and Sociological Studies New Modes of Governance ne/index.php 01/09/2004- 2008/12/31 Grace DavieDepartment of Philosophy and Sociology Centre for European Studies Welfare and Values in Europe: Transitions related to Religion, Minorities and Gender 01/02/2006- 2009/12/31 James David Armstrong Department of Politics School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Prof. of International Relations) (Emeritus Professors) Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: The Role of the EU 01/06/2005- 2010/12/31 2010/3/5 17 Exeter
NTUNSYSU 近期出訪的歐洲大學 2010/3/5 18 NameOrganizationProject TitleDuration Geert LOOSVELDTCentre for Sociological Research Representativity indicators for survey qualityStart date:2008-03-01 End date:2010-06-30 Denise VAN REGEMORTERCenter Economic StudiesDevelopment of methods and tools for evaluation of research Start date:2008-03-01 End date:2010-06-30 René BELDERBOSDepartment of Managerial Economics, Strategy and Innovation (MSI) SCience, innovation, firms and markets in a globalized world Start date:2008-06-01 End date:2011-05-31 Ides NICAISEhead of research unit 'education and lifelong learning', Higher Institute for Labour Studies (HIVA) Towards a Lifelong Learning Society in Europe: The Contribution of the Education System Start date:2005-09-01 End date:2010-08-31 Bart VAN LOOYDepartment of Managerial Economics, Strategy and Innovation (MSI) Innovative S&T indicators combining patent data and surveys: Empirical models and policy analyses Start date:2008-04-01 End date:2011-03-31 Jan WOUTERSDirector of Centre for Global Governance Studies Changing multilateralism: The EU as a global-regional actor in security and peace Start date:2009-02-01 End date:2012-01-31 Jaak BILLIET (emeritus) Centre for Sociological Research European Social Survey Infrastructure - Improving Social Measurement in Europe. Start date:2006-05-01 End date:2011-04-30 Jean-Christophe VerstraeteDepartment of LinguisticsThe interrelation of tense, aspect and modality with evidentiality in Australian aboriginal languages Start date:2009-06-01 End date:2013-05-31 Koen VerhoestPublic Management Institute (& Higher Institute for Labour Studies(HIVA)) Privatisation of Public Services and the Impact on Quality, Employment and Productivity Start date:2006-06-01 End date:2009-05-31 Monique RAMIOULHigher Institute for Labour Studies (HIVA) Work organisation and restructuring in the Knowledge Society Start date:2005-06-01 End date:2009-08-31 K.U.Leuven
NTUNSYSU 近期出訪的歐洲大學 NameDepartmentProject TitleDuration Monique RamioulHigher Institute for Labour Studies (HIVA) Measuring the dynamics of organisations and work: proposed guidelines for collecting and interpreting data on organisational change and its economic and social impacts Start date:2007-03-01 End date:2010-02-28 Tine HEYLEN (Ms.)Sustainable peace buildingStart date:2010-01-01 End date:2013-12-31 Tine HEYLENCAE methodologies for mid-frequency analysis in vibration and acoustics Start date:2008-10-01 End date:2012-09-30 Johan LEMANInterculturalism, Migration and Minorities Research Centre Routes, roots, and rumours: tracing migration and tourism imaginaries Start date:2008-10-01 End date:2011-09-30 Stijn DELAURÉ (Dr)Research Coordination Office/ Policy support unit 'Dead End': An economic and cultural history of Japan in the Age of the Great Depression, 1927-1937 Start date:2009-10-01 End date:2014-09-30 Dr. HeidiCentre for Biomedical Ethics and Law Ethical, legal, and social aspects and implications of direct-to-consumer genetic testing Start date:2009-05-22 End date:2011-05-21 Kris DIERICKXCentre for Biomedical Ethics and Law Genetic bio and dataBanking: Confidentiality and protection of data. Towards a European harmonisation and policy Start date:2006-10-01 End date:2009-09-30 Tom De BruynHigher Institute for Labour Studies (HIVA) Developing a detailed 8-country occupations database for comparative socio-economic research in the European Union. Start date:2006-05-01 End date:2009-04-30 André DecosterResearch Center of Public Economics Accurate Income Measurement for the Assessment of Public Policies Start date:2006-02-01 End date:2009-01-31 Marc SWYNGEDOUWDepartment Of Sociology/Institute Of Social and Political Opinion Research Integrated and united? a quest for citizenship in an 'ever closer Europe' Start date:2005-09-01 End date:2009-12-31 2010/3/5 19 K.U.Leuven
NTUNSYSU SSH NCP 網站介紹 2010/3/5 20
NTUNSYSU SSH NCP 網站 主要訊息來源參考台灣歐盟資訊網站(駐歐盟科技組)、 CORDIS FP7 SSH (計畫徵求)、 DG Research SSH (各主題計畫活動訊息)、 Net4Society (各主題計畫活 動訊息及 SSH NCPs 活動訊息)等重點網站,定期整合資 訊,以利國內學者快速瞭解歐盟重點 SSH 活動。 2010/3/5 21 歐盟資訊
NTUNSYSU SSH NCP 網站 計畫查詢 2010/3/5 22 計畫查詢
NTUNSYSU SSH NCP 網站 線上服務 2010/3/5 23 線上服務
NTUNSYSU SSH NCP 網 站 2010/3/5 24 文件下載 文件下載
NTUNSYSU SSH NCP 網 站 如果有 FAQ 無法解答的疑惑,歡迎透過線上服務或 Email 詢問,會儘速解答。 2010/3/5 25 FAQ FAQ
NTUNSYSU 附件資料 附件一: SSH List of Projects 2007-2009 目錄 附件二: 2010 Opportunities 目錄 2010/3/5 26 Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention! Q & A SSH NCP 聯絡窗口 洪佩瑩 小姐 TEL: (07) 5252000#5622 Email: 李慧君 小姐 TEL: (02) 33662007#218 Email:
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