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Telling Our Story: From Nursing Home in Need to Nursing Home in the Lead Renaissance Park South.

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Presentation on theme: "Telling Our Story: From Nursing Home in Need to Nursing Home in the Lead Renaissance Park South."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telling Our Story: From Nursing Home in Need to Nursing Home in the Lead Renaissance Park South

2  Patient Care Needs  Stabilize Staffing  Consistency in Staffing

3  Met with each employee to determine what challenges they have in meeting schedule  Educated staff on importance of coming to work and challenges to patient care when staff does not come to work

4  Instituted On Shift staffing to track and trend call offs and shared results with staff; many were surprised with the fact they had called in so often  Rewarded staff for Attendance

5  Instituted exit interviews to determine why staff left and instituted action plan based on interviews including:  Revised orientation to increase time for new grads  Arranged weekly meetings x 30 days with new employee, preceptor and scheduler to address any issues or concerns

6  Met with each employee to determine where their passion was in Long Term Care  Then assigned employees to the unit where they had a passion  Changed interview questions so employee is interviewed for heart; David Farrell questions instituted in interviewing process  Developed Float Pool for specific units to cover off days/vacations so there is consistency with call offs

7  Meet with Family Council to identify their concerns  Family Council requested consistency in staffing to allow them to get to know the staff and staff get to know the residents  With increased consistency Family Council voiced satisfaction with the care and services

8  Meet with Resident Council to discuss concerns; Council requested consistent staffing  Resident Council minutes reflect increased satisfaction with knowing care givers and care received

9  Inserviced staff on needs of residents and Care Cards in each room so staff aware of care needs of individual residents  Consistent staffing decreased wounds and falls facility wide



12  Pain Management: Facility has worked to increase their pain awareness through out the facility; with consistent staff, the resident satisfaction scores have indicated that pain management has increased  Rehospitalizations: returns to hospital within 30 days have fallen below the national average of 30% to 11% with the staff being aware of subtle changes in the resident and intervening early

13  Communicate, Communicate, Communicate  Empathize with your staff  Resolve issues quickly  Keep the mole hill the mole hill and address the mountains (they won’t go away)  Educate and coach; we are all lifelong learners

14  Able to identify with the day to day challenges faced in the buildings  Keep small issues small  Allows to self manage, but is accessible as needed  Promotes education and participation in networking opportunities such as the LANE and Advancing Excellence

15  Continue rewarding staff for Attendance  Continued participation in Advancing Excellence  Monitoring and trending on compliments and concerns  Monitoring and Trending of Quality Indicators  Monitor and Trending of Staff Retention

16  Advancing Excellence:  LANE:  Renaissance Park South: Rolondo Carter, Administrator; 773-928-2000;  NuCare: Michelle Stuercke, 847-977- 8590;

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