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The cell is the smallest unit of life. Our bodies are made up of many cells. They are found in everything that is a living thing. Can you tell me some.

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Presentation on theme: "The cell is the smallest unit of life. Our bodies are made up of many cells. They are found in everything that is a living thing. Can you tell me some."— Presentation transcript:

1 The cell is the smallest unit of life

2 Our bodies are made up of many cells. They are found in everything that is a living thing. Can you tell me some things that are living organisms?

3 The cell is made up of Organelles which perform different functions for the cell. What does function mean? What jobs do you have?

4 This is the center of the cell. It is responsible for controlling how the cell grows? Who helps us grow? What helps us to grow?

5 Jelly liquid that all the organelles float around in. It is like a pool: It provides a place for everyone inside to move around. Or like the ground in your classroom so everyone can walk on.

6 This surrounds the cell. It is like a screen door: It allows only certain things to come in and out.

7 Produces energy for the cell. They are like a power supply and are called the power house of the cell. They are in charge. Who is in charge of your classroom to make sure you learn everyday?

8 They put together different pieces of protein that the cell makes. They are like a classroom of children using working on a different parts of a project together to get it done.

9 Packages the protein. Like a set of gift wrappers or like the ipad in our room that stores information and can be moved around the room.

10 Transportation network: it helps to move things around the cell. It is like a mail truck that moves mail delivers mail in a community or your teacher assistants in the classroom that help move you and other things around the room.

11 Digest waste in the cell. It’s like a cleaning crew for the cell. Like the janitors in our school or in your classroom. Where does the trash in your classroom belong?

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