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June 3, 2016 Research & Monitoring Activities. 2 Overview Research — Exempted Fishing Permits (EFPs)/Scientific Research Permits (SRPs) — Selected Research.

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Presentation on theme: "June 3, 2016 Research & Monitoring Activities. 2 Overview Research — Exempted Fishing Permits (EFPs)/Scientific Research Permits (SRPs) — Selected Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 3, 2016 Research & Monitoring Activities

2 2 Overview Research — Exempted Fishing Permits (EFPs)/Scientific Research Permits (SRPs) — Selected Research (HMS & SEFSC) — Grants and Contracts (HMS & SEFSC) Surveys & Monitoring Database overview

3 3 Research Activities Conducted Under HMS EFPs, and SRPs, (March 2010) SpeciesPermitNumberResearch HMSEFP1 Closed area research extension SharksEFP7 Sampling prohibited & undersize sharks from comm & rec landings (tournaments); tagging of sharks; sampling SCS for life history studies; collection of shortfin makos SharksSRP1 Fishery independent survey TunaEFP3 Tagging BFT & YFT; sampling BFT BillfishEFP1 Collect billfish larvae and tag billfish

4 4 Selected Research FEC/Charleston Bump Pelagic Longline EFP —Purpose: To collect baseline data and assist NMFS in determining the efficacy of time/area closures under current fishery conditions —Design: 2 boats, 289 sets, 500 hooks per set; ½ sets in closed areas, ½ sets outside; 100% observer coverage —Status: Research program timing extended through Sept. 2010

5 5 PLL Closed Area Research Results Feb. 2008 – Jan. 2010 Trips completed: 14 in 2008; 13 in 2009; 1 in 2010. 148 sets completed: 35 Charleston Bump closed area; 48 Florida East Coast closed area; 65 open areas

6 6 PLL Closed Area Research Results Feb. 2008 – Jan. 2010 No bluefin tuna Closed Areas — SWO Kept 990 (142 Released Alive (ra)), 217 Dead Discards (dd)) — BUM 29 (22 ra, 7 dd); WHM 4 (4 ra, 0 dd); SAI 95 (72 ra, 14 dd, 7 kept, 2 lost) — Sea turtle interactions: Leatherback 3; Loggerhead 0 Open Area — SWO Kept 301 (38 ra, 75 dd) — BUM 30 (24 ra, 6 dd); WHM 7 (4 ra, 3 dd); SAI 38 (25 ra, 13 dd) — Sea turtle interactions: Leatherback 0; Loggerhead 2

7 7 Grants and Contracts Title: Determining the relative proportion of roundscale spearfish and white marlin throughout the Atlantic Ocean -- Grantee: Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS); Award Period: From 1 July 2007 through 30 June 2008; extended until June 30, 2010 Title: Estimating post-release survival of blue marlin caught on J-hooks and circle hooks in the western North Atlantic recreational fishery -- Grantee: VIMS; Award Period: From 1 July 2007 through 30 June 2008; completed June 30, 2009

8 8 Other HMS Monitoring Programs Commercial — Pelagic Observer Program — Shark Bottom Longline Observer Program — Shark Gillnet Observer Program — Logbook Reporting Requirements (HMS Logbook) Mandatory if selected Authorized but not implemented for CHB — Dealer Reports Recreational — Recreational Billfish Survey — Non-tournament billfish/swordfish call-in — Automated Landings Reporting System — MD & NC tagging programs — MRFSS/LPS/MRIP Pilot Projects

9 9 Marine Recreational Information Program Characterization of Rod & Reel HMS Fisheries in the U.S. South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Status: Completed Sept. 2009 Non-Tournament HMS Recreational Landings Reporting for Private Boats in Puerto Rico. Status: Phase 1 completed Jan 2010 Florida HMS Private Angler Telephone Survey: Status: Final Report in review

10 10 HMS Research Database Purpose —To compile published research for Atlantic HMS Database —Access database format —User friendly; easy to search (do need to know how to use Access) Updated with 2009 information —Peer-reviewed papers —Technical memorandum —Some Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. papers included (2001-2007 & 2009) —Current SCRS stock assessments —MARFIN/Saltonstall-Kennedy Programs/HMS Grants

11 11 HMS Research Plan Develop an integrated research plan for all Atlantic HMS — Identify current and past research. — Identify current needs for stock assessment and management — Identify research needs and gaps ST in collaboration with HMS Division, SEFSC, NEFSC, and non-agency institutions and researchers. Target Completion Date: approximately September 2010

12 12 Discussion Thank you for your attention Questions? Comments? Concerns?

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