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PREPARE TO CARE 5 STEPS FOR FAMILY PLANNING Rachel Lockwood, M.S. Jan Johnston, Ph.D. OK Cooperative Extension Service Family & Consumer Sciences **

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Presentation on theme: "PREPARE TO CARE 5 STEPS FOR FAMILY PLANNING Rachel Lockwood, M.S. Jan Johnston, Ph.D. OK Cooperative Extension Service Family & Consumer Sciences **"— Presentation transcript:

1 PREPARE TO CARE 5 STEPS FOR FAMILY PLANNING Rachel Lockwood, M.S. Jan Johnston, Ph.D. OK Cooperative Extension Service Family & Consumer Sciences **

2 Lesson Preparation  Print & collect the handouts you want to use  Lesson Options  Prepare to Care workbook exercises  Use interactive questions & group discussion  Use personal stories to highlight  Use Handouts for more education

3 Objectives: Oklahomans will …  Maintain/improve their health  Prevent/reduce safety hazards  Maintain financial readiness  Increase job readiness skills  Be successful and resilient

4 Caregiver Resources  Are You a Family Caregiver?  National Extension’s Resource for Family Caregiving   We Benefit from Talking with other Caregivers  Small group discussions  Listening to similar issues  Sharing solutions and rewards of caregiving

5 Caregiving Plan: 5 Steps  1: Prepare To TALK  2: Form Your TEAM  3: Assess NEEDS  4: Make a PLAN  5: Take ACTION

6 Today’s Focus: 2 Critical Steps  Step 1: Prepare to Talk  Start the Conversation  Step 3: Assessing Needs  Know What is Important

7 Step 1: Prepare to Talk  Tips for getting started.. Dad, I’m not sure I’d know what your wishes are if something happened to you. Do you have time to tell me some of the things that are important?

8 Prepare to Talk  Honey, do you think you might need a hand with the chores and yard work?  This may not be fun to think about, but just talking with you will help me know more about your future wishes.

9 [Prepare to] Actively Listen  Focus attention on the subject  Avoid distractions  Acknowledge, suspend, control emotions  Set aside prejudices & opinions

10 Actively Listen  Focus on the other  Listen with ears but also with eyes, etc.  Be aware: Don't agree or disagree  Actively respond & signal your interest

11 Assessing Needs: Priorities  Defines Quality of Life  What is important to the loved one receiving care?  Common Priorities: Remain healthy & active Remain involved in family & community life Remain financially independent as possible Remain in my own home

12 Assessing Needs: Wishes  Letter of Last Instruction  Organizes and Locates information  Prioritizes What’s Important  Makes known personal & financial desires

13 #1- Prepare to Talk: Tips  Keep an open mind  Focus on Listening not Telling  “I” statements: making references to self  Be Direct  Ask Questions and Listen  Address anger and upset feelings

14 #2- Form Your Team: Support  Discussion Question:  Who are 3 people to have on a Team?  Why are they important team members?

15 #3- Needs: Priorities & Wishes  General Needs  Personal Information  Home Maintenance  Health  Transportation  Finances

16 #4 -Make a Plan  Written document: general ‘rules’, not every detail  Face to face meetings, especially at first  Keep the lines of communication open  Remain flexible in decision making

17 #5 - Take Action Give yourself a deadline to start! Strive to be proactive – less reactive

18 Thanks For Listening Today! Jan Johnston Rachel Lockwood

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