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Katie Yurkewicz November 2013 InterAction Collaboration Business Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Katie Yurkewicz November 2013 InterAction Collaboration Business Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Katie Yurkewicz November 2013 InterAction Collaboration Business Meeting

2 Membership November 2, 2013 2

3 Collaboration Board May 2013 - April 2014 DESY (Christian Mrotzek), co-chair Fermilab (Katie Yurkewicz), co-chair CERN (James Gillies) TRIUMF (Tim Meyer) STFC (Terry O’Connor) KEK (Nobu Toge) BNL (Justin Eure) INFN (Eleonora Cossi) November 2, 2013 3

4 2013 Collaboration members November 2, 2013 4 Full membersAssociate membersAssociate members (in-kind contributions) CERNArgonne National LabIPMU DESYLawrence Berkeley National Lab LC Communicators FermilabBrookhaven National Lab IRFU/CEA KEKIHEP BeijingJINR STFCIN2P3NIKHEF TRIUMFINFN SLAC

5 Membership requests CoEPP (Australia) RISP (Korea) November 2, 2013 5

6 In-kind contributions NIKHEF willing and able to contribute to limited-duration projects  What would make sense? Other in-kind members: IPMU, JINR, IRFU/CEA, LC Communicators November 2, 2013 6

7 Finances November 12 2013 7

8 2013 Income Full member contributions ($10K each) Amount requested Amount receivedDate received CERN10,000.00 7/17/13 DESY10,000.00 6/20/13 Fermilab10,000.00 6/1/13 KEK10,000.00 6/26/13 STFC10,000.00 7/17/13 TRIUMF10,000.00 8/19/13 Associate member contributions ($5K each) Argonne5,000.00 6/26/13 Berkeley5,000.00 9/12/13 Brookhaven5,000.00 9/12/13 IHEP Beijing*0.00 IN2P35,000.000.00 INFN5,000.000.00 SLAC5,000.00 6/26/13 TOTAL INCOMERequestedReceived 90,000.0080,000.00 November 2, 2013 8 *Pending new MOU

9 2013 Expenses Xeno Media contract Website maintenance and development60,000.00 Travel to 2 collaboration meetings8,000.00 Quantum Diaries editing and social media15,000.00 Website hosting contract Full year and interactions.org4,800.00 Executive Secretary travel One collaboration meeting (IHEP Beijing)4,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSES91,800.00 November 2, 2013 9

10 2013 Projected Summary $90K - $91.8K -$1.8K + $10.4K = $8.6K Contributions expected (including INFN, IN2P3) Estimated expenses Net income Carryover from 2012 Available for 2013/Carryover for 2014 November 2, 2013 10

11 Memorandum of Understanding November 2, 2013 11

12 Fermilab proposal for new MOU Split MOU into two documents  Agreement between InterAction Collaboration and Fermilab to assign business functions  Separate agreements between InterAction Collaboration and individual laboratories for annual contribution of funds November 2, 2013 12

13 First MOU (business functions at Fermilab) Agreement establishes requirements  Each institution submits a letter of appointment to the Collaboration to be kept on file at Fermilab  The Collaboration Board will need to formally submit instructions to Fermilab with instructions regarding the disposition of funds  The Collaboration will need to designate a contact person for correspondence Open questions  Will this satisfy all the labs regarding business functions?  Who can sign on behalf of “The InterAction Collaboration”? November 2, 2013 13

14 Second MOU (annual contributions) Between individual institutions and “The InterAction Collaboration” Benefit: MOU does not need to traverse the DOE approval system Potential issues/questions:  The InterAction Collaboration is not a legal entity. Will this work for (non-US) labs?  Can DOE labs continue to contribute under the current DOE PAC system?  Will the agreement be customizable for each institution? Or should there be one agreement for all labs that need one?  Who would sign on the collaboration’s behalf? November 2, 2013 14

15 Future Meetings November 2, 2013 15

16 Spring 2014 – DESY – need to set date Fall 2014? Spring 2015? November 2, 2013 16

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