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Revalidation Update December 2012 The Combined Conference: Educating for the Future 5 th December 2012.

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1 Revalidation Update December 2012 The Combined Conference: Educating for the Future 5 th December 2012

2 Background Revalidation for Junior Doctors will begin from 3 rd December 2012. This will be a phased process with an expectation to revalidate a minimum of 20% of Trainees in 2013 and then increase to 100% of Junior Doctors by the end March 2016. The process to revalidate Junior Doctors will build on the existing ARCP process, but will require additional information from employers (SUIs and complaints etc) to be reported to the panel. The panel will then need to decide both Fitness to Progress in training and a recommendation on Fitness to Practice.

3 Process The current ARCP process delivers 70% of the information that will be required by the GMC to revalidate trainees. This information will already be available within the Deanery to inform the R.O. The remaining 30% of the information required will be with employers. Employers will need to highlight any complaints/investigations/SUIs that have occurred for individual trainees or for Employers to confirm there are “no concerns” with an individual trainee’s fitness to practice. The attached diagram details how the process for Revalidation will operate and how the ARCP panel will triangulate information to confirm Revalidation. Sample documents that will be used within the process (exit reports, new ARCP forms, etc) have been developed on a national basis.

4 Educational evidence Self Declaration Form /Form R Panel makes a decision on both educational progression and trainee ’ s “ fitness to practice ” based on the information viewed at the ARCP panel. Information sent to Responsible Officer (Deanery) on the panel ’ s decision. Responsible Officer will access this information and use this to inform the GMC on whether an individual trainee can be recommended for revalidation. REVALIDATION: HOW WE WILL MAKE THIS WORK FOR JUNIOR DOCTORS Employer report detailing either concerns or “ no known concerns ” For trainees with concerns exception reports (Exit Employer Report /Grey Form) for individual trainee Submit to Deanery Trainee completes a Self Declaration Form on their practice using a Form R This is done on an annual basis. This form identifies all work undertaken in last year and also any SUI ’ s/ complaints/ outstanding investigations. This form is sent to the Deanery. Submit to Deanery Responsible Officer at employer base receives a spreadsheet from the Deanery detailing all trainees in employment at that time. Responsible Officer (Employer) indicates for each individual trainee whether there are “ no known concerns ” or any issues that need highlighting. For trainees where there are issues or concerns an exception report needs completing (Exit Employer Report /Grey Form). This is completed by the employer ’ s Medical Director (or delegate) to highlight details of the concerns with a trainee ’ s “ fitness to practice ”.

5 National Activity The East Midlands Deanery are involved in the National Trainee Revalidation Steering Group. This group are developing the national process for Junior Doctors so there is operational consistency between Deaneries. The National Association of Clinical Tutors are members of the group and have developed some of the spreadsheets and reporting tools that will be used in the process by the employing organisations. The group have developed a set of national documents, that all Deaneries will use for Revalidation. The group are also developing the process of transferring data between R.O’s for trainees who move to a different Deanery.

6 Locally we have contacted all East Midlands trainees to request completion of a Self Declaration form on their practice. All Trust Chief Executives and Medical Directors have also been contacted and asked to provide information on current trainee’s fitness to practice. N.B. Employers will need to confirm that there are “No Concerns” with an individual trainee or there are “Concerns”. Concerns may be due to current or pending investigations. Within the Deanery we need to receive this data from Trainees and Employers in order for us to test, and further develop, how ARCP panels will deal with this data and then transmit and communicate information back to the Deanery. Local Activity

7 The Deanery has submitted data to the GMC to confirm the names of all Junior Doctors within the East Midlands that Sheona MacLeod, Responsible Officer will be revalidating. The Deanery have worked with the GMC to establish the first group of trainees that will be revalidated between Dec 2012 and Sept 2013.

8 Current Issues Regular attendance and involvement from a Deanery perspective in the East midlands Responsible Officer Network Meetings. Commitment given at these meetings by Trust R.O’s to provide the Deanery with information so we can deliver Revalidation. Some trusts have experienced difficulty in providing information requested on SUI’s, GMC referral and Complaints and have highlighted that they require time to develop their systems to deliver this. Some Trusts are currently looking at supporting roles to assist with delivering Revalidation on as Organisation wide basis. These roles/team will need to link with roles within the Deanery in the future so information can be obtained.

9 Next Steps Training is currently being developed for ARCP Panel chairs on what additional activities need to be undertaken during assessment activity in order to Revalidate trainees. Training and documentation are being developed to assist Educational Supervisors in ensuring that their reports now account for professional conduct and behaviour in addition to educational competence and skill. Work is being undertaken within the Deanery to obtain data on the first pool of trainees who will be required to be Revalidated. These are Trainees who will obtain CCT between 3 rd December 2012 and End of March 2013.

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