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Today is a very yummy, sweet day? Why?. Kitchen Basics Learning Recipe Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Today is a very yummy, sweet day? Why?. Kitchen Basics Learning Recipe Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today is a very yummy, sweet day? Why?

2 Kitchen Basics Learning Recipe Skills

3 Warm - Up Activity First, get into groups of two or three students. *** No more than three students per group. Next, your group’s task is to write simple recipe. This recipe should have five or more ingredients. Your group may create a recipe or use a family recipe. You will have three minutes to complete this. Be sure to work together as a group. Kitchen Basics

4 What is a recipe? A recipe is a set of directions for making a food or beverage. Your success in using it depends on how well the recipe is written, as well as your ability to understand the directions. Do you think last week’s lab recipes were well written and easy to follow? How about the recipe your group just created?

5 Kitchen Basics Recipe Information A well-written, complete recipe includes the following:  List of Ingredients and Amounts  Number of Servings  Essential Information  Directions  Nutritional Information

6 Kitchen Basics List of Ingredients and Amounts The ingredients are generally listed in the order they are used, which makes it easier for you to follow the recipe and not omit an ingredient. Amounts of the ingredient are also given.

7 Kitchen Basics Number of Servings The recipe should indicate the number of servings or amount the recipe makes. This is known as the yield.

8 Kitchen Basics Essential Information The essential information of a recipe includes:  Oven Temperature  Cooking Time  Equipment – pan size and type

9 Kitchen Basics Nutritional Information This information is not essential, but it can be useful in helping you choose nutritious recipes. Typically nutrition information tells you the following:  Amount of calories in each serving  Amount of fat in each serving  Amount of sodium in each serving

10 Kitchen Basics Step – by – Step Directions The directions should be clear and easy to follow. Steps may be numbered so you won’t skip any or lose your place.

11 Kitchen Basics Collecting Recipes There are many ways one collect recipes. What are some of your favorite ways?

12 Kitchen Basics Back to our warm-up… With your group members, analyze the recipe you created. Rewrite your recipe. Be sure your recipe is well- written and include all necessary information and the yield. Draw a brief stretch of what the recipe would look like when finished.

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