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Published byRosamund Elliott Modified over 8 years ago
1 Test evaluation Test evaluation European Volleyball Referees Seminar Montreux, 7 th -9 th June 2002
2 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The team „A“ won the rally and is going to serve. Serving player threw the ball after authorization of the service, but the ball touches the ceiling. After this, without falling the ball, he hits it and so executes the service. Question No. 1: a) Allowed execution of the service b) The referee has to whistle and the rally will be replayed c) The rally wins the team “B” – improper execution of the service
3 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The ball hit by receiving team flies totally through external space into the opponent’s free zone. One of the players by running for this ball catches the post and thanks to that swiftly changes his direction. He hits the ball back to own playing area totally through the external space on the same side of the court. Question No. 2: a) The referee lets the play continue (if there si no more contact with the post during hitting the ball) b) The referee will call for receiving team mistake (if the hit was made during contact with th post) c) The referee will order the replaying of the rally
4 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The game captain of the team “A” asks for the first time-out verbally and with official hand signal by the first referee. The first referee: Question No. 3: a) will whistle and allow the time-out b) forwards the captain to the second referee, who will whistle and allow the time-out c) will reject his request and if it does not affect or delay the game he rejects it without any other consequences
5 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The Libero player of the team “A” hesitates by replacement of the back-row player. The player of the team “B” is ready to serve, so the first referee authorized the service. The replacement carries out after the service hit of the serving player. The referee: Question No. 4: a) does not take care about this, no violation of the rules is present b) calls for the positional fault of the receiving team and the rally wins the team “B” c) stops the rally immediately and uses the sanctions for delay. The rally will be replayed
6 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia There was nor coach neither assistant coach with the team on the match. The team captain was the player No.1. In the second set the player No.1 asked by the second referee time-out, but he was sitting on the team bench in this time. The second referee: Question No. 5: a) allows the time-out b) will not allow the time-out – the right for requesting time outs and substitutions has only the game captain c) will allow the time-out, but he will alert the captain that only game captain has the right to request regular game interruptions
7 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The ball during the rally was falling down to the playing area. The player returned the ball, but by falling down on the end of his fingers it touched the flooring, too. The players continued playing. The first referee was not in position to see that, because of other player screening him this situation. But the second referee saw that. Which decision was correct? Question No. 6: a) The referees kept the play continuing b) The first referee did not whistle immediately, but after the end of rally called for rally reply, as the 2 nd referee informed him in the end of rally that the ball touched the floor c) The second referee whistled in the moment the ball touched the floor – ball “in”
8 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The player No.6 substituted the player No.2 of the starting line-up. One rally later becomes the player No.6 injured and cannot continue playing. The referee: Question No. 7: a) authorizes legal substitution b) authorizes exceptional substitution c) gives 3-minutes recovery time, but not more than once for the same player in the match
9 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The team “A” player is going to serve. Serving player executes the service in due time, but the ball flies into the the top horizontal band of the net, so the net falls down for 10 cm and stays loosen. Consecutively the ball crosses to the playing area of the team “B”. Question No. 8: a) The referee orders the rally replay b) The referee lets the play continue c) The team “B” wins the rally
10 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The coach of the team “B” has used the buzzer and signalizes substitution. The second referee whistles and authorizes the substitution. But the substitute does not have the paddle and looks for it. This situation causes some delay. Question No. 9: a) The second referee refuses the substitution without any other consequences b) The first referee refuses the substitution and gives the sanction for delay c) The first referee will allow the substitution to be executed, but gives the sanction for delay
11 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The team “A” wins one point after the service of its player No.1. After the end of next rally, which was won by the receiving team “B”, the scorer immediately informs the second referee, that a rotational fault was comitted and the player No.1 should not have served. Question No. 10: a) The team “B” will serve, but gets another one point for rotational fault of the team “A”. The referees will rectify the players´ rotational order and cancel the point of the team “A” won by the service of player No.1 b) The team “B” will serve, without getting another point for rotational fault of the team “A”. The referees will rectify the players´ rotational order and cancel the point of the team “A” won by the service of player No.1 c) The team “B” will serve, without getting another point for rotational fault of the team “A”. The referees will rectify the players´ rotational order of the team “A”
12 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The position of the players is determined and controlled according to: Question No. 11: a) the position of any part of their body contacting the ground (hands, feet, knees…) b) the positions of their feet contacting the floor c) the position of their bodies relating to net plane
13 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The player of the team “A” executes the attack hit. The ball is flying in direction to the external space tightly by the antenna. The player of the team “B” blocks this attack hit in the opponent’s space from outside the antenna. After the block the ball touches the floor of the playing court of the team “A”. Question No. 12: a) The fault of the blocking team (the team “B”) b) The fault of the attacking team (the team “A”) c) The rally has to be replayed
14 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia During the warm-up session before the match the Libero player is injured. He has been already recorded in the score-sheet as well as on the line-up sheet for the first set. The coach of the team asks for re-designation of a new Libero. This new Libero should be the player No.1, recorded in starting line-up sheet for the first set. Question No. 13: a) The referee will allow this re-desigantion, the line-up sheet for the first set should be filled in again and the player No.1 can play as the new Libero in the first set. All circumstances have to be recorded on the score-sheet remarks box b) The referee will refuse this request and the re-designation can take place after the beginning of the first set (after the first rally). All circumstances must be recorded on the score-sheet remarks box the position of their bodies relating to net plane c) The referee will allow the re-designation before the start of the match. The player No.1 will be substituted by another player by legal substitution, recorded on the scoresheet in 0:0 score. The number of re-designated (new) Libero must be recorded on the score-sheet remarks box and on the line-up sheet for the following set
15 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The Libero player of the team “A” plays the first ball by overhead finger hit in the front zone. Consecutively setter of the same team jumps in the front zone and directs the ball with overhead finger pass to the opponent, but the ball is in this moment entirely higher than the top of the net. Question No. 14: a) The referee whistles the fault of the team „A“ in the moment the ball crosses the vertical plane of the net or touches the block b) No fault was committed c) The referee whistles if the setter is a back-row player
16 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The player No.5 of the team “A” delays the game in the 1 st set. The referee applies the warning for delay to the team. In the 3 rd set the player No.5 delays the game again. The referee: Question No. 15: a) penalizes the team for delay (Yellow card) b) penalizes the team for delay (Red card) c) warns the team for delay (Yellow card)
17 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The player No.10 substituted the player No.2 of the team „A“ in the 2 nd set. In the same set the player No.2 was substituted back instead of the player No.10. Thereafter was player No.2 disqualified. The referee: Question No. 16: a) Authorizes an exceptional substitution of the player No.2 by any player sitting on the bench. The player No.2 must leave the Competition Control Area for the rest of the match b) Refuses an exceptional substitution and declares the team incomplete for this set. The match will continue with the 3 rd set. The player No.2 cannot play more in this match c) Refuses an exceptional substitution, declares the team incomplete for the match and finishes the match. The incomplete team keeps its points and sets.
18 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The back-row player jumps from behind the attack line. The ball flying from the serving player of the opponent is entirely higher than the top of the net and still in the space over the front zone. The jumping player returns the ball to the serving team. Question No. 17: a) The referee does not whistle – no fault was committed b) The fault of attack hit – the rally wins the serving team c) The referee whistles only if the jumping back-row player touches the front zone by at least part of his foot
19 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The player touches the ropes fixing the net to the post after hitting of the ball. Question No. 18: a) The referee whistles the fault – player’s contact with the net b) No fault is committed, provided that this contact does not interfere with the play c) The referee is not allowed to stop the rally in any case
20 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia After the landing of the blocking players of the team “A”, one of them stays lying on the floor with distorted (twisted) ankle. The players of the opponent are successful in receiving the ball and prepare for next attack. The referee: Question No. 19: a) must stop the game immediately and permit medical assistance to enter the court. The rally is then to be replayed b) does not interrupt the game c) stops the game and orders a time-out for team “A”
21 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The player No.3 of the team “A” attacks in the front zone and the ball is entirely higher than the top of the net. The ball landed in the opponent’s playing court. The referee judged the rally for the team “A”. After the players get into correct position the referee finds out, that the player No.3 was a back-row player. The referee: Question No. 20: a) changes his decision and the previous rally wins the team “B” b) orders replaying of the rally c) does not correct his decision
22 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The front-row setter of the team “A”, in an effort to set the ball coming from his receiver, jumped and hit the ball with one hand over the net such that, at the moment of the hit, his hand is in the opponent’s air space. The ball from the setter traveled parallel to the net toward an attacker of the team “A”. The blocker of the team “B” touched the ball before the player of the team “A”, so that the team “A” player could not execute the attack hit. The first referee: Question No. 21: a) does not whistle, no fault was committed b) whistles the fault of the blocker c) whistles the fault of the setter
23 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The receiving team was out of position in the moment of service hit. The serving player touched the end line during take-off for a jump service. The referee: Question No. 22: a) judges the rally for the serving team – positional fault of the receiving team b) judges Double fault – the rally will be replayed c) judges the rally for the receiving team – the serving fault of the serving player
24 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The player touches the opponent’s court under the net with his hand fingers, while the palm of his hand is above the center line. The referee: Question No. 23: a) whistles an unauthorized penetration into the opponent’s court under the net b) if this penetration does not interfere with opponent’s play, does not whistle c) whistles only in the case the palm of the hand is not in contact with the center line
25 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The Libero player of the team “A” is setting the ball in the front zone by the overhead finger pass. The attacking player directs the ball, entirely higher than the top of the net, towards the opponent. The ball touches thereafter the opponent’s block (in the attacking team´s space) in which back-row player takes part. The ball stays still in play. The referee: Question No. 24: a) whistles and judges the rally for the team “A” (attacking) b) whistles and judges the rally for the team “B” (blocking) c) whistles and orders replaying of the rally since double fault is committed
26 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia After the simultaneous contact over the net by two opponents (both players try to smash the ball) lands the ball completely outside the boundary lines on the team “A” side. The rally: Question No. 25: a) wins the team “B” b) is to be replayed c) wins the team “A”
27 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The game captain asks before the service hit for controlling of opponent´s position. The referee: Question No. 26: a) uses sanctions for delay b) reject this request without any other consequences c) informs the captain, if the opponent is in correct position. He is not allowed to show him the line-up sheet of opponent or tell him, which player is front- or back- row player
28 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The player of the team “A” has blocked the attack of the team “B”, so the ball has been directed through the team “B” space under the net to the court of the blocking team. The referee: Question No. 27: a) whistles the fault of the team “A” (blocking) b) whistles the fault of the team “B” (attacking) c) orders the rally replay
29 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia By the first misconduct behavior (except of minor misconduct) of the player in the match, the referee: Question No. 28: a) is allowed to use all sanctions, according to misconduct category b) is allowed to use all sanctions except of disqualification c) verbally warns the player with no recordings on the scoresheet
30 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia During the match the Libero player is injured. The coach wants to replace him by the team captain, sitting in this moment on the bench. The referee: Question No. 29: a) refuses the re-desigantion (the Libero player cannot be a team captain) b) allows the re-designation, but the new Libero player must remain as Libero player for the remainder of the match. New team captain must be ascertained, who will sign the score- sheet after the match. All circumstances have to be recorded on the score-sheet remarks box c) allows the re-designation for the time, until the old Libero player is able to play again
31 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia If the player is injured during the match: Question No. 30: a) the team must ask for their time-outs and only then is given a 3-minutes recovery time, but not more than once for the same player in the match b) the player has right to get 3-minutes recovery time immediately in any case, but not more than once for the same player in the match c) the player has right to get 3-minutes recovery time, if he cannot be substituted legally or exceptionally, but not more than once for the same player in the match
32 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The coach of the team asks for the 1 st time-out in the set. As the teams enter the court after the time-out finished, he asks for substitution and for another time-out. The referee: Question No. 31: a) allows both the substitution and the 2 nd time-out b) rejects this request without any other consequences c) rejects this request and warns/penalizes the team for delay
33 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The height of the net is: Question No. 32: a) 2.48 m for men and 2.24 m for women b) 2.43 m for men and 2.27 m for women c) 2.43 m for men and 2.24 m for women
34 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The ball after a wrong return of the receiving team “A” player travels sharply in a direction to the net. The player of the team “B” makes clear motion of his arms to hit the ball through the net and change its direction into the court of team ”A”, so the receiving team has no more chance to hit it. The referee: Question No. 33: a) judges the rally for the team “A” – faulty contact with the net of the team “B” player b) judges the rally for the team “B” – ball “in” c) orders the rally replay – double fault
35 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia After the coach was disqualified: Question No. 34: a) only game captain can assume the coach’s functions b) the assistant coach assumes his functions automatically c) the assistant coach may, at the request of the game captain and with authorization of the first referee, assume the coach’s functions
36 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia During the match may players warm up using balls in the free zone: Question No. 35: a) only during set intervals b) during technical time-outs and set intervals c) during time-outs, technical time-outs and set intervals
37 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia After the technical time-out the players of the team “A” stay near their bench and do not enter the court. What should do the referee? R. 17.1.2 Prolonging other interruptions, after having been instructed to resume the game R. 17.2 Sanction for delay – for the first time = delay warning, for the second and subsequent delay by any member of the same team in the same match = delay penalty Question No. 1:
38 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia Write the definition of attack hit! All actions which direct the ball towards the opponents, with the exception of the service and block, are considered as attack hits. R. 14.1.1 Question No. 2:
39 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The player of starting line-up was substituted in the second set. After another substitution of this player back to the court he was injured so he cannot continue in playing. The coach wanted to use exceptional substitution. How should decide referee and what playing consequences should have this situation? In this situation an exceptional substitution is to be granted. An exceptional substitution means that any player who is not on the court at the time of the injury, except the Libero or his/her replacement player, may substitute into the game for the injured player. The substituted injured player is not allowed to re-enter the match. An exceptional substitution cannot be counted in any case as a normal substitution. R. 8.2 Question No. 3:
40 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia After the authorization of the service by the first referee, but before the execution of the service by serving player, receiving team carried out the Libero replacement. What should be the procedure of referee like if it is for the first time? What should do the referee, if it is repeatedly? 1) A replacement made after the whistle for service but before the service hit should be rejected but must be the object of a verbal warning after the end of the rally. 2) Subsequent late replacements must be subject to a delay sanction. R. Question No. 4:
41 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia What responsibility has the team (game) captain during the match and for what can he ask the referees? a) Prior to the match – signs the score-sheet and tosses b) During the match – ask for an explanation on application of the Rules, may choose to protest against such decision, ask authorization to change the equipment, to verify the position of the teams, to check the floor, the net, the ball, etc., to request time-outs and substitutions c) At the end of the match – thanks the referees and signs the score-sheet, records protest R. 5.1 Question No. 5:
42 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia Write the misconduct sanction scale for offensive conduct (the usage of cards, too)! 1) The first offensive conduct by a team member is sanctioned by expulsion with no other consequences – red card 2) The second offensive conduct in the same match by the same team member is sanctioned by disqualification with no other consequences – yellow and red card jointly R., Question No. 6:
43 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The player of the team “A” is blocking the ball in the opponent’s space over the top of the net during the second hit of the team “B”. This simultaneous contact leads to a “catch” of the ball. What will be the decision of the first referee like? The fault of the team „A“ – the rally wins the team „B“ Blocking fault – the blocker touched the ball in the opponents´ space either before or simultaneously with the opponents´ attack hit. R. 15.6.1, 12.4.1 If two or more faults are committed successively, only the first one is counted. R. Question No. 7:
44 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia After the technical time-out the player not present in the starting line-up for the respective set is going to serve. The team did not substitute before. Immediately after the service hit he scorer informs about this situation the second referee. How should the referees solve this situation? Rotational fault – the team is sanctioned with a loss of rally, the players´ rotational order is rectified (the player from the starting line-up has to return to the court. R. 7.7 (determination of exact moment) Question No. 8:
45 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia The team used all allowed substitutions (6) in the set. The referee expelled the Libero player, who was in this moment on the court. Will the match continue? What should do the referees? Is it possible to re-designate a new Libero? a) The match will continue. b) The Libero has to be replaced by the respective player. The Libero player shall not play for the rest of the set and must remain seated in the penalty area with no other consequences. c) The re-designation is only possible in the case of Libero injury, not after expulsion or disqualification. R., R. Question No. 9:
46 November 4, 2002 11:19 AM Association of volleyball referees Slovakia Write the playing restrictions of the Libero player! Back row position only. Not allowed to complete an attack hit from anywhere, if at the moment of the contact, the ball is entirely higher than the top of the net. May not serve, block or attempt to block A player may not complete an attack hit from higher than the top of the net, if the ball is coming from an overhand finger pass by a Libero in his/her front zone. R. 20.3 Question No. 10:
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