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CSCI 130 Chapter 3. Variables & Names Variable Declarations: –reserve a storage location in memory –identify the name of the variable –identify the type.

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Presentation on theme: "CSCI 130 Chapter 3. Variables & Names Variable Declarations: –reserve a storage location in memory –identify the name of the variable –identify the type."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSCI 130 Chapter 3

2 Variables & Names Variable Declarations: –reserve a storage location in memory –identify the name of the variable –identify the type of the variable Ex: int a;

3 Naming rules for variables Only certain characters are legal –letters, digits, underscore ( _ ) First character must be a letter –underscore allowed but not advised Case sensitive –count, Count are two different variables Cannot use keywords

4 Variable Types Nonnumeric –character Numeric –signed, unsigned (signed is the default) –char, integer, floating point

5 Ranges / Memory Allocation Each type has a range of numbers How you use the variables in the program will determine what type you use –memory usage (efficiency) –magnitude of range Ex: open VarRanges.doc

6 Variable Declarations Variable declaration informs compiler of: –name of variable –type of variable Must be declared before being used Form: –typename varname;

7 Sample Variable Declarations int counter; char x; float salaryAccumulator; signed int z;

8 typedef Creates new name for existing data type Does not create new type, only creates a new name (synonym) Ex: –typedef int integer; –integer thisIsAnInteger; –int thisIsAnIntegerTo;

9 Numeric Variables Variables need to be initialized before being used Ex 1: –int x;Sets aside storage space for x –x = 3;Stores the value 3 in x Ex 2: –int x = 3;

10 Symbolic Constants Created in one of 2 ways: –#define –const keyword Cannot change value –compiler error

11 #define #define PI 3.14 –no equals sign –no semi-colon –no variable type PI cannot be changed in program PI is a symbolic constant –area = PI * radius * radius

12 const const int PI = 3.14; PI is a symbolic constant Can be used in formulas –area = PI * radius * radius

13 printf Will print information out to the screen –printf(“Hello world”); –printf(“Hello world\n”); prints Hello World and a carriage return –printf(“The area is %f”, area); prints: The area is xxx –xxx is the value held in the variable area

14 scanf Will accept information from the screen –scanf(“%d”, &area) –scanf(“%f%f”, &area, &diameter)

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