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Office Automation Application Software. Application Programs Software for specific purposes or business uses Word processors, spreadsheets, database,

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1 Office Automation Application Software

2 Application Programs Software for specific purposes or business uses Word processors, spreadsheets, database, etc.

3 1. Concept of Office Automation The use of information technology to automate business office activities.

4 2. Types of Office Automation Software Source: Managing Office technology, 1995

5 3.1 Word Processing Software software designed for use primarily in creating documents containing paragraph data, such as letters and reports. MS Word, WordPerfect, WordStar,..

6 Some Special Features Commonly Found Macros: stored and automated task Help: on-screen assistance ä Menu-driven ä Context sensitive ä Wizard Smart icons: on-screen picture for specific functions

7 3.2 Spreadsheet Software software designed primarily for numeric activities and containing vertical columns and horizontal rows into which data is entered. MS Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, VisiCalc

8 3.3 Database Software software designed primarily for use with various types of data that need to be linked in a various ways at different times MS Access, FoxPro, Oracle,...

9 3.4 Graphics Software software with a capability of creating many types of charts or pictorial displays Harvard Graphics, PhotoShop, PowerPoint

10 3.5 Desktop Publishing Software software with capability of creating high-quality, professional-looking documents.

11 4. Evaluation of OA Software Applications and features needed Compatibility with current hardware and software Provisions for user assistance Cost versus benefits Licensing options

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