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Software and You Using Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Software and You Using Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software and You Using Microsoft Office

2 Microsoft Office 2000

3 Word Processing Software Create documents Edit documents Add special features to documents Tables Pictures Drawn objects Use special formatting Columns Shading and borders Drop caps

4 Uses of Word

5 Basic Text Terminology TermDefinition TypefaceThe design and appearance of printed characters StyleBold, italics, underline, shadow Font SizeThe height of the characters FontTypeface + Style + Font Size

6 Spreadsheet Software Maintain numeric and text data Perform automatic calculations Generate graphs and charts

7 Database Software Store data Filter, query, and manipulate data Increase speed and accuracy of data entry Produce output Formatted and organized reports Mailing labels Graphs

8 Excel and Access Stores data Filters data Allows advanced data manipulation Performs calculations Produces formatted reports Features Excel Access

9 Presentation Graphics Software Create slide shows Text Graphics Animation Embedded objects from other programs Produce audience handouts Generate speaker’s notes

10 Weekly Office Use


12 Training Hours by Department

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