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Common Application Software. MS Word Some advanced use : Mail-merge Self-made Templates Macro (recording and running)

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Presentation on theme: "Common Application Software. MS Word Some advanced use : Mail-merge Self-made Templates Macro (recording and running)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Application Software

2 MS Word Some advanced use : Mail-merge Self-made Templates Macro (recording and running)

3 Mail-merge Edit a main document Create a data source May be excel, database, or text files separated by TABs or special characters (e.g. “, ” ), or created in mail-merge option Concept of fields and records Merge to Printer, or Document

4 Practical Download the document from  computer  CIT  invitation.doc Go to MS Access, enter data as in document  Guests.doc into the database file  guests.mdb

5 Invitation.doc

6 Guests.txt

7 Guests.mdb Open MS Access Save as guests.mdb In design option, right click and import data Choose text file and open guests.txt Use tab marker/delimiter to separate fields Select first line as title/field row

8 Guests.mdb

9 Mail-merge Go back to invitation.doc Click tools  mail-merge Choose editing window and the form letter Open data source  guests.mdb  guests table Insert fields at suitable position In (for parents) and (for guests) paragraph, use (if..then..else) function

10 Mail-merge – if..then..else

11 Editing Database In MS Access, open guests.mdb Select guest table, then click DESIGN Add a field address Character/string type 20 characters Go back and then open the table Enter addresses for the records Enter one more record

12 Modifying database structure

13 Mail-merge - insert fields

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