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The Price Index Processor System PIPS Niall O’Hanlon.

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Presentation on theme: "The Price Index Processor System PIPS Niall O’Hanlon."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Price Index Processor System PIPS Niall O’Hanlon

2 Content General Overview of the PIPS – Some technical details Functionality Producer Price Index version demo The Future for PIPS

3 The Software Free to download at ips.html – Software, source code, manual and discussion forum Software is Visual Basic running on Microsoft Windows. Database stored on Microsoft Access, SQL or SQL Express.

4 The Software (2) Excel for input and outputs Code is Visual Basic (VB6) with VB.Net version in development) Incorporates/Implements ILO/IMF Manual recommendations

5 Functionality of PIPS Calculates PPI for all items by industry, by product, by establishment and by region Choice of classifications Monthly or Quarterly Pricing It allows one of the two alternative formulae: Laspeyres and Geometric Laspeyres It calculates missing indices & missing prices Direct Laspeyres and Short-term (Chained) Laspeyres Proofed methodology

6 Brief Demo of PPI version System configuration (choice of classifications) Establishment entry (and management) and batch upload Entering weights, products and transactions Entering prices, substitutions Compilation preview (check) Outliers Index Compilation

7 Main Menu Screen Data Check: Used before index compilation to check for errors Review Data: Before Index Compilation Compile: Allows Index Compilation TS Report: Allows for Times Series Reports to be compiled System Config: Allows users to set up database properties. Add New: Allow users to enter new establishments Edit: Allows users to edit establishment details/products details and enter price information

8 System Configuration Screen

9 Establishment Entry This allows you to enter company products This allows you to enter multiple establishments at one time through Excel upload

10 Establishment Batch Upload

11 Entering Weight/Product/Transactions Transaction List created by user to represent the items company are pricing. Company Weight entered here – turnover of company Transaction weight Click to enter prices of transactions Click to add new product group

12 Price Input Screen: Option 1 You can select the period to enter price for by selecting Set Compilation Date on this screen Click on Pink Button to enter prices via Option 2

13 Price Input Screen: Option 2 You can set this to reflect your threshold system for validation Allows you to add new month to insert price

14 Compilation Preview

15 Detection of Outliers

16 Index Compilation

17 Time Series Report

18 The Future for PIPS Approximately 15 countries (mainly African or Caribbean) currently using PIPS. Many more interested especially in the PPI version We are seeking a a donor to fund development completion work - migration to VB.Net - de-bugging - full testing of quarterly periodicity for PPI and ongoing maintenance and support

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