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Norwegian experiences - Hans Løken Director of Elretur AS.

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1 Norwegian experiences - Hans Løken Director of Elretur AS

2 2 Elretur AS (Merging of Hvitevareretur AS and Elektronikkretur AS by April 2005) Established in 1998 by the trade organizations in parallell with introduction of the Norwegian national WEEE Regulations. Operating a full scale national-wide WEEE take-back system from July 1st 1999.

3 3 Elretur AS Owned by the 4 major Trade Organizations. Handle all categories household appliances, brown goods, computers, office machines, telecom, medical equipment, toys and musical instruments etc. Open to all producers 610 member companies (producers) 80% of the market 5 employees

4 4 Simple to implement the WEEE Directive in Norway! As a Waste Management Company, Elretur has taken responsibility for all consumer WEEE categories listed in the present EU WEEE Directive since 1999!

5 5 Producer responsibility - Why the Collective Solution? A collective system generates larger volumes. Larger volumes generate lower costs. A well organized, single waste logistics is very much appreciated both by retailers and municipalities.

6 6 Producer responsibility - Advantages of a collective system Large environmental benefits. Uniformed information to the consumers. Cost-effective for the producers. Lower costs for the consumers. Creates focus on ”free-riders”

7 7 Elretur WEEE logistics Continuously collecting WEEE from: 2000 retailers 500 municipality sites 100 repair shops 500 other sites (major users)

8 8 Elretur collection results 2004 Total 55.875 tons = 12,2 kg/capita - increasing 10% in 2005!

9 9 Elretur treatment results 2004

10 10 Financing of the System is decided by the Trade Associations responsible for their dedicated product groups 1. Environmental fees paid in advance by charging a set fee per item (TV 17” = € 1,50, a hairdryer = € 0,13 etc.) - or 2. Environmental costs paid in arrears according to the individual producer’s market share calculated on basis of the kilos of products imported/produced into the Norwegian market the previous year.

11 11 The Free-rider challenge  The free-riders represent a significant economical and ”psycological” problem to the ”honest producers” if not dealt with seriously by the EPA.  The Norwegian Authorities are (at last!) dealing with this problem in connection with implementation of the EU WEEE Directive into Norwegian Code of Law by July 1st 2006.

12 12 Changes in National WEEE Directive by July 1st 2006 Mandatory cerification of both individual and collective take-back shemes by a ”Third Party”. Mandatory reporting to Producers’ Register every 6 months: Scheme’s net import/production (kilos/items) Scheme’s collection and treatment results (kilos/items – and gegrafic) Scheme’s reuse and treatment results (kilos/items/%) Producers’ Register responsible for controlling schemes’ certificates - and policing the free riders.

13 13 Elreturs ”Environmental Portal” A Web-based solution for registration of EE-products put into the Norwegian market by member producers. Monthly in-put by the Producer of weight and number of items put into the market. The Producers customs declaration data are visible – and will be used by Elretur in case of missing reports by the Producer. The individual Producer’s market share is calculated periodically. Elretur’s tool for reporting to Producers’ Register.

14 14 The ”Small Items Challenge” ”It’s convinient to get rid of small items in the waste bin!”

15 15 The information- and educational concept: ”Ella – the Environmental Lorries”

16 16 Please visit us on the web

17 17 Thank you!

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