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Entrepreneurship Strategy CCI de Lyon February the 9th 2010 IMAGEEN.

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Presentation on theme: "Entrepreneurship Strategy CCI de Lyon February the 9th 2010 IMAGEEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entrepreneurship Strategy CCI de Lyon February the 9th 2010 IMAGEEN

2 Entrepreneurship Strategy o Welcoming all projects o Special packages for potential growing projects Innovation & growth Potential growing projects All projects10 000 400 20

3 Welcoming all projects  CCI de Lyon, an organization able to:  Welcome >10 000 project holders  Organize 18 000 individual meetings  Answer 64 000 phone calls  Register 5000 new company creation  Register 22 000 modifications of company status  Inform 4000 people (3 hours, dedicated to creation)  Train 400 people (5 day course "start your company")  Advise (organized meetings with law advisers, chartered accountants, intern. consultants specialized in documentations about markets = 1200 meetings, …)  Territorial organization (7 points of contact + Lyon centre) Entrepreneurship Strategy

4 Special packages for potential growing projects (I)  Innovation "NOVACITE"  New projects per year = 20  Mainly projects coming from research lab or incubators  Projects selected by an official board of partners  Full individual post creation follow up during 3 years  Communication  3 dedicated internal CCI consultants for 45 projects in total  Success rate: 92% living companies after 5 years Entrepreneurship Strategy

5 Special packages for potential growing projects (II)  Potential other growing projects " Parcours gagnant"*  348 diagnosis / year  25 "Pack creation" (2009)  Full package ante creation follow up (up to 6 months)  Mixed of personal meetings, training & workshops  2 people dedicated (2010) for 54 projects  Partnership with banks (70 000€)  Cost : 990€ (paid by the people, no subvention today  New project for 2010  Post creation ( follow up, coaching, workshops) Entrepreneurship Strategy

6 1.High quality of public services 1. All projects /individuals have a chance 2.Sustainable growth for potential growing projects 1. Help the future leaders to grow faster 3.CCI de Lyon : a leader and a network player 1. LVE ( territorial coordinator + quality system+ database 2. Partenerships 4.Communication for awareness 1. "Salon des entrepreneur" 2. "Semaine de la creation" Entrepreneurship Strategy

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