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Advancing SPAD Management & Operational Performance Through Enhanced Driver Attentiveness Fatigue Management Solutions Ltd. ©Fatigue Management Solutions,

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1 Advancing SPAD Management & Operational Performance Through Enhanced Driver Attentiveness Fatigue Management Solutions Ltd. ©Fatigue Management Solutions, Ltd.

2 Train Driver Fatigue & Inattentiveness Risk Shift work, nights & early morning starts reduces sleep to 5 or less hours. (Kolmodin-Hedman & Swensson, 1975) Japanese study near-accidents/accidents – 17% were fatigue, 79% between midnight and 6 a.m. driving monotonous stretches of track. (Kogi & Ohta, 1975) An Australian study 100 railway accidents/near-accidents found most significant causal factor lack of alertness related to high monotony levels. (Edkins & Pollock, 1997) Swedish study 1,000 drivers found night & early morning shifts associated with short (approx. 4-5 hours) restless sleep, extreme fatigue and on-duty microsleeps. (Åkerstedt et al, 1980) INCREASED RISK OF ERRORS, ACCIDENTS & SPADS ©Fatigue Management Solutions, Ltd.

3 Drivers - Self-Reported Sleep Duration Hours needed to feel alert & well rested (%) Total sleep in 24 hrs when: Moving from late to early starts (%)Working on a late start (%)

4 Comparison: Industrial Error & Accident Peaks & SPAD Patterns Within few hours of shift starts 1st and 2nd days back 1st and 2nd night shifts Shift starts before 7:30 a.m. When workload high or low Between 2 and 6 a.m. 40% shifts before 7:00 a.m. Peak 2-4 hrs into shift 10 to 20 times higher 1st & 2nd day back Monotony = low attentiveness Drivers report high boredom Early shift start, higher risk World-Wide Error & Accident PeaksBR & UK TOC SPAD Patterns ©Fatigue Management Solutions, Ltd.

5 Fatigue Output: Train Cancellations, Customer Service HIGH Driver CHRONIC FATIGUE Poor Mood Attitude Impacts on Bottom Line Reduced Revenues Increased Operating Costs Increased Hiring & Training Costs Reduced Customer Satisfaction Increased Absenteeism Increased Train Delays & Cancellations ©Fatigue Management Solutions, Ltd.

6 Driver Reported Fatigue & Inattentiveness SPAD Risk To Enhance Driver Performance & Manage SPAD Risk BUT… RAILWAYS APPLY Candidate Screening Training/License Renewals Defensive Driving Alcohol/ Drug Policy Fitness Duty Testing Conduct SPAD Investigations Signal Changes DRIVERS REPORT Fatigue Routine workload Monotony, Boredom Distraction Cab Environment,i.e. heat, limited movement Reduces: Alertness, Attentiveness, & Concentration SPAD Potential Increases ©Fatigue Management Solutions, Ltd.

7 Manage Human Factor & Fatigue Risk: Create Best Practice SPAD Management Program  Design SPAD investigation - systematic analysis of alertness/attentiveness  Educate investigators in human alertness issues ( go to FMS Accident Investigation)  Focus investigation into a problem solving root cause analysis, include human factors risk  Assess & identify fatigue risk causes & costs ( go to FMS Fatigue Assessment )  Install fatigue management best practices  Educate drivers & mgmt in shift work alertness ( FMS Shift Work Ed.)  Apply alertness science based bio-rosters to manage fatigue risk ( FMS Roster Design )  Instruct drivers in Activity Rest Cycle (ARC) Modelling to manage residual on-duty fatigue  Conduct data analysis of SPAD patterns to assess fatigue indicators ( FMS Rail Services) I. Reactive (Post-SPAD) II. Pro-Active (SPAD Prevention) Enhance Driver Attentiveness & Performance ©Fatigue Management Solutions, Ltd.

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