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What do all these words have in common? Chastity Abstinence Celibacy Is it a positive, or a negative thing?

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Presentation on theme: "What do all these words have in common? Chastity Abstinence Celibacy Is it a positive, or a negative thing?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do all these words have in common? Chastity Abstinence Celibacy Is it a positive, or a negative thing?

2 To define celibacy and chastity To explain the importance of chastity for ordinary people and for religious To evaluate the value of celibacy Why would not having sex, give people more of a chance to love each other? Why might not having sex with someone (who is not going to be your future wife/ husband) be a good thing? 1.Explain how not having sex, helps people to learn to love each other more. Give 2 other reasons 2.How far is too far, in a romantic relationship? **Why might a lack of self confidence lead people to engaging in sexual activity? What could be a solution to this

3 How far is too far?

4 A person who dedicates their sexuality to God has taken vows of chastity, and is called a religious celibate. Their celibacy is a SIGN to show others: a.By making a gift of their whole self + body to God, they show that… b.By purifying their hearts from all lust and sexual desire, they show others that… c.By being happy as celibates, they show to others that… 2.…that is who we belong to most of all. 3.… God is real, and our happiness ultimately comes from loving God above everything else. 1. …love is more than sex - we should love other people for who they are. 1. Explain what a religious celibate is. 2. Match and write out what celibacy can show others.. **Do you think it makes a difference to have some celibates in the world? Why/ why not?

5 Are there other benefits of celibacy to a priest?

6 Celibacy must also be life-giving, if it is going to be a positive things. How was celibacy life-giving for Mary or Jesus? Mary gave up her body to God, when the angel told her she would become the mother of God and became the mother of Jesus - this was more important to the human race than anything else she could have done. Mary, the first celibate… Jesus was celibate: by dedicating his whole life & body to God, he saved us by his suffering on the cross, & brought us eternal life. Of celibacy… All celibates are like Jesus and Mary – they can be channels of God’s love and grace for the worlds, by the total dedication of their bodies to Him. Is celibacy a good thing? Write down pros and cons PRO - from this slide, and what celibacy can show others CONs – you ideas. Conclude.

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