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The Cherry Tree Carol When Joseph was an old man, An old man was he, He courted Virgin Mary The Queen of Galilee, He courted Virgin Mary, The Queen of.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cherry Tree Carol When Joseph was an old man, An old man was he, He courted Virgin Mary The Queen of Galilee, He courted Virgin Mary, The Queen of."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cherry Tree Carol When Joseph was an old man, An old man was he, He courted Virgin Mary The Queen of Galilee, He courted Virgin Mary, The Queen of Galilee. As Joseph and Mary We’re walking one day, "Here are apples and cherries,' Oh, Mary did say. "Here are apples and cherries,' Oh, Mary did say.

2 The Cherry Tree Carol (Page 2) When Mary spoke to Joseph, So meek and so mild, "Joseph, gather me some cherries For I am with child...." "Joseph, gather me some cherries For I am with child...." Then Joseph flew in anger – In anger flew he, "Let the father of the baby Gather cherries for thee!" "Let the father of the baby Gather cherries for thee!"

3 The Cherry Tree Carol (Page 3) Then up spoke baby Jesus, All in his mother’s womb, "Bow down you tallest tree That my mother might have some.” "Bow down you tallest tree That my mother might have some.” So bent down the tallest tree To touch Mary’s hand Said she, oh look now Joseph, I have cherries at command Said she, oh look now Joseph, I have cherries at command

4 The Cherry Tree Carol (Page 4) As Joseph was a-walking He heard the Angels sing, This night there shall be born Our heavenly king. This night there shall be born Our heavenly king. "He neither shall be born In house nor in hall, Nor in the place of Paradise, But in an ox-stall. Nor in the place of Paradise, But in an ox-stall.

5 The Cherry Tree Carol (Page 5) "He shall not be clothed In Purple nor pall; But all in fair linen, As wear babies all. But all in fair linen, As wear babies all. "He shall not be rocked, In silver nor gold, But in a wooden cradle That rocks on the mould. But in a wooden cradle That rocks on the mould.

6 The Cherry Tree Carol (Page 6) "He neither shall be christened In milk, nor in wine, But in pure spring-well water Fresh sprung from Bethine." But in pure spring-well water Fresh sprung from Bethine." Mary took her Baby, She dressed him so sweet, She laid Him in a manger All there for to sleep. She laid Him in a manger All there for to sleep.

7 The Cherry Tree Carol (Page 7) As she stood over Him She heard Angels sing, "Oh! bless our dear Savior, Our heavenly King." "Oh! bless our dear Savior, Our heavenly King."

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