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Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Introduction SCFE = misnomer neck displaces relative to the epiphysis
Usually, upward & anterior of neck Rapid growth, weakening of physis, shearing stresses
Femoral head in contact
with acetabulum Femoral shaft and neck rotate externally Head moves posteriorly Neck moves cephalad
Historical Perspective
? Pare first described SCFE ? Muller 1889 Schenkelhalsverbiegungen im Jungesalter “bending of the femoral neck in adolescence” Whitman osteotomies Boyd stabilization with pins
Varies according to race, sex, geography Estimated 2 per 100,000 Males > females left > right During max skeletal growth boys years, avg 14 girls years, avg 12 Bilateral 17-80% reported most studies show 20-25% black males, eastern US Varies less than1-7/100,000 depending on race and geographic location Rarely occurs in girls after menarche
Classification Temporally, according to onset
acute, acute-on-chronic, chronic Functionally, according to ability to WB stable, unstable Morphologically, according to extent of displacement Extent of displacement estimated by measurement on XRAY or CT
Temporal Classification Acute
Sudden, dramatic, fracture-like episode Prodromal symptoms for 3 weeks or less Trauma too trivial to cause SH1 X-rays- little or no neck remodeling AVN frequent, 17-47% **R/O true Salter-Harris Type 1** True SH1 will not have prodrome, severe trauma, often associated with concomitant hip dislocation
Temporal Classification Chronic
Most frequent form Few months of vague groin/thigh pain, limp X-rays- remodeling of neck Can be missed as symptoms as often minor
Temporal Classification Acute-on-chronic
Prodrome for > 3 months with sudden exacerbation of pain X-rays- displacement beyond remodeling
Functional Classification
Stable able to WB on presentation Unstable not able to WB Preferred classification Clinically meaningful different prognosis
Morphologic Classification
Degree of displacement of epiphysis on neck Southwick femoral head-shaft angle mild < 30° moderate 30-60° severe > 60° (normal 145° on AP) CT more accurate, not routinely used
Etiology Often unknown
Majority are normal by current endocrine work-up Endocrine Mechanical
Etiology Mechanical Factors
Predisposing features: -thinning of perichondral ring complex -retroversion of femoral neck -change in inclination of prox femoral physis relative to femoral neck/shaft Blount’s disease, peroneal spastic flatfoot, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease Cadaver studies
Etiology Mechanical Factors 1) Perichondral Ring Thinning
Fibrous band that encircles physis at cartilage-bone interface Acts as limiting membrane, mechanical support to physis Thins rapidly with maturation strength
Etiology Mechanical Factors 2) Retroversion of Femoral Neck
Relative or femoral retroversion ? Physis more susceptible to AP shearing forces 3) Inclination Increased slope of proximal femoral physis on both affected and non-affected sides
Etiology Endocrine Factors
Long suspected Obesity, hypogonadal males (adiposogenital syndrome), growth spurt No screening unless clinical suspicion Known association with: -hypothyroidism (treated or not) -conditions with GH administration -CRF Prev pelvic XRT, Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, 1° hyperparathyroidism, panhypopituitism assoc with intrancranial tumours
Etiology Endocrine Factors
Hypothyroidism prior to or during Rx GH deficiency during or after Rx Bilateral slips….prophylactic pinning should be strongly considered
Endocrine Factors CRF Thought to be due to uncontrolled 2° hyperparathyroidism Goal of Rx: control hyperparathyroidism within 2/12 of slip sx If not successful surgical Rx Monitor until skeletal maturity due to high incidence of slip progression
Pathology Do not support or exclude endocrine or mechanical etiologic actors ? Changes 2° physeal disruption or endocrine influence Weiss & Sponseller 1990 Normal iliac crest physeal Bx in pts with SCFE
Pathology Gross Periosteum stripped from ant/inf surface of femoral neck Area btw neck & post periosteum fills with callus & ossifies Anterosuperior neck forms “hump”, can impinge on acetabular rim (remodel) Acute slips will have hemarthrosis
Pathology Microscopic
Howorth slips treated open “Preslip” stage -widened physis without displacement -edematous synovial membrane, periosteum, capsule Thicker proliferative & hypertrophic zones - chondrocytes, organized in clumps
Clinical Picture Stable SCFE
History vague or dull pain (groin, anteromedial thigh, knee) Exacerbated by activity Weeks to months Physical Exam Antalgic limp with ER Thigh atrophy hip ROM- loss of IR,ABD, flexion Obligate ER with flexion, pain at extreme IR Hip flexion contracture (chondrolysis) No strenuous maneuvers, i.e. hopping/squatting
Clinical Picture Unstable SCFE
History Sudden onset of severe pain Minor fall or twisting injury Physical Exam Held in ER Refusal to move hip Moderate shortening
**Always examine hips in any child with knee pain
Matava et al. (1999) 106 slips 15% knee/distal thigh pain only Carney (1991) 46% distal thigh/knee as only presenting complaint **Always examine/x-ray contralateral side 20% have evidence on initial presentation
Diagnostic Imaging Plain Radiographs
Often only imaging needed Earliest sign = physeal widening/irregularity Klein’s Lien (AP) - line tangential to superior femoral neck will intersect lateralmost portion - with SCFE, overlap or none =Trethowan’s sign Steel’s metaphyseal blanch sign (AP) crescent-shaped area of density
Metaphyseal blanching
Diagnostic Imaging CT -useful in mgmt -confirm physeal closure
-severity of deformity MRI -detection of AVN Bone Scan - uptake for AVN - uptake both sides for chondrolysis
Treatment Goal: stabilize the epiphysis to the femoral neck to prevent further slippage In situ fixation/pinning Bone graft epiphysiodesis Primary osteotomy Spica Cast Treatment Choice depends on type pf slip, severity, surgeon preference
Treatment Initial Management
To radiology in wheelchair or stretcher **Identify unstable slips** Do not attempt frog-leg lateral in unstable slips Admit with strict bedrest, until definitive Rx
Treatment Stable SCFE In Situ Pinning/Fixation
Many different philosophies number/type of implant, physeal closure, position of screws Current standard: one cannulated screw into femoral epiphysis from base of anterior neck for stable slips. Two screws considered for unstable slips (additional stability, rotational control)
In Situ Fixation Fracture table Avoid excessive IR & manipulation
Guide-wire for screw placement Ideal placement of screw is as close to centre of epiphysis & as to physis as possible **epiphysis is posterior, entry point must be at base of neck and screw directed posteriorly into centre Avoid posterior femoral neck
In Situ Fixation
In Situ Fixation Post-operative Management
Protected partial weight-bearing with crutches for 6 weeks No sports for 3 months Clinical exam + x-rays every 3-6 months until skeletal maturity
In Situ Fixation Advantages Minimal scarring
No need to manipulate limb during surgery Disadvantages Difficult lateral view Difficult guidewire placement if obese Screw-related complications perforation into joint, loss of fixation, failure,
Bone Graft Epiphysiodesis
Portion of residual physis is removed by drilling and curettage Dowel or “peg” of autologous bone graft inserted across femoral neck Supplementary internal fixation or cast for unstable slips Indications Stable slip that has progressed despite fixation Severe slip
Bone Graft Epiphysiodesis
Bone Graft Epiphysiodesis
Primary Osteotomy Goals:
Correct symptomatic loss of motion, esp. flexion and IR Improve biomechanics for healing Improve longevity of the hip
Primary Osteotomy Dunn Procedure
Anterosuperior wedge of superior femoral neck, including residual physis Femoral epiphysis is reduced on neck without tension Secured with screws or pins Best anatomic restoration High risk of AVN
Primary Osteotomy Base-of Neck
Kramer & Barmada Expose neck intra or extracapsularly Anterosuperiorly based wedge from base of neck Apex of wedge may be extracapsular posteriorly Reduction and punning as in Dunn Lower AVN risk
Primary Osteotomy Intertrochanteric
Southwick Based on head-shaft angle Anterolaterally based intertrochanteric wedge Corrects extension/varus deformity by flexion/abduction of distal fragment, IR as needed Low AVN risk Chondrolysis 10-40%
Treatment Spica Cast Little indication for immobilization alone
Often used as adjunct to surgical treatment May be used if surgery contraindicated or other treatments have failed
Anterior & Valgus Slips
Valgus slip = superior and posterior displacement Valgus adduction, flexion Anterior extension, ER Same treatments watch for femoral neurovascular bundle with valgus slip
Prophylactic Pinning of Contralateral Hip
20% present with bilateral involvement Additional 25% will have symptomatic contralateral slip Most develop within 6 months Ongoing debate Consider in CRF (95% bilateral), endocrinopathy-related slips, younger patients If not done, educate parents and monitor every 6 months
Complications Chondrolysis
Incidence and etiology unknown (5-7%) Stiffness, persistent groin or thigh pain Painful ROM, flexion contracture RF: pins, cast immobilization, severe, chronic X-rays: joint space 50% loss or 3mm Usually 6 weeks to 4 months after Rx, max within 6-12 months of onset Treatment Removal hardware Supportive – activity modification, physio, NSAIDs (arthroplasty)
Complications AVN Most severe complication
RF: unstable (47%), severe, iatrogenic Evident a few weeks to 1 year after slip Total or partial Poor long-term prognosis Treatment Prevention avoid reduction, manipulation, Rx delay Educate family & patient Delay osteotomy until healed
Long-term Outcomes Risk of OA directly related to severity of residual deformity Significant potential for remodeling delay treatment until skeletal maturity Evidence that osteotomy alters the development of OA is lacking
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