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Career Experience Opportunities (CEO) are an integral part of the Secondary School Reform (SSR) Plan. The SSR is a roadmap for substantively altering.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Experience Opportunities (CEO) are an integral part of the Secondary School Reform (SSR) Plan. The SSR is a roadmap for substantively altering."— Presentation transcript:


2 Career Experience Opportunities (CEO) are an integral part of the Secondary School Reform (SSR) Plan. The SSR is a roadmap for substantively altering the educational experience of all middle and senior high school students in the District to assure that future graduates have the skills that they will need to effectively compete in the new global workplace. CEO serves as an opportunity to engage business and community leaders to expand learning through partnerships that connect to the students’ career pathways. Students enrolled in Career Academy programs with an organized sequence of classes and instructional activities are eligible to participate in an internship experience.

3 Getting Started School principals will assign RACF security access for WIC2-Web Internship Schl Stf to designated staff as a CEO School Coordinator for CEO Internships. The CEO School Coordinator is responsible for approving students for an internship interview and completing the process by accepting the student for hire with parental consent.

4 Accessing the Application From the Employee Portal, on the Applications/Sites tab, under My Applications, click CEO Internship Clearinghouse.

5 Viewing Internships The Internship Clearinghouse for CEO School Coordinator landing page displays internships and shows where students are in the internship process. Students may be: Participating in internships, Waiting for approval for an interview, Pending interviews, Withdrawn from interviews, Hired pending consent form, Not hired, Released, or Disapproved by the CEO Coordinator. The viewer can see all internships or display only internships pending action by the CEO School Coordinator.

6 Viewing Internships The landing page initially displays all internships. The viewer can choose to see all internships or only internships awaiting action by the CEO School Coordinator. To view only internships that are pending action, click Show internships pending action.

7 To view all internships, click Show all internships. To view the details of a job, click on the Internship Title for that position.

8 The Internship Details page will then be displayed. To return to the landing page, click Back to Home.

9 CEO School Coordinators must approve students for the interview process. To approve a student interview for an internship, under Action, click Approve.

10 If you approve an interview request, you will receive a confirmation message as shown. Once you confirm your action, the student will be placed in the interview queue. If the student is the first one in the queue, he will be given the supervisor’s contact information so that he may schedule an interview. If the student is not the first in the queue, he will be informed of his position in the queue.

11 The internship status will change to Pending Interview for the first student in the queue. Once the interview takes place, the Provider can choose whether or not to hire the student. If the student is hired, the internship status changes to Hired Pending Consent Form. The CEO School Coordinator will collect the parental consent for hire form and confirm the student’s acceptance by clicking Student Accepts.

12 CEO School Coordinators may also deny a student’s request for an interview. Once reason a CEO School Coordinators may deny a request is because the internship is not related to the student’s Career Academy. To deny a student interview request, under Action, click Deny. If you deny an interview request, you will receive a confirmation message. Once you confirm the denial, the student will be informed and will be asked to select another internship.

13 A student can withdraw from an interview on the Student Portal before the CEO School Coordinator approves an interview. Only the CEO School Coordinator can release a student from an interview after it has been approved. As the CEO School Coordinator, to release a student from an interview for an internship, under Actions, click Release.

14 A student can also be released from a position if he does not schedule the interview in a timely manner. If you choose to release a student from a position, you will receive a confirmation message as shown. Once you confirm your action, the internship status will change to Released and the student can search for another internship. If there are additional students in the queue, the next student will be set to interview. A student can also be released from the position, after the Provider has indicated that they wish to hire the student, if they do not turn in the parental consent forms. The Provider will then be notified and the student can search for another internship. The next student in the queue will be set to interview for the position.

15 Once all pending actions are complete, click Logout to exit the portal.

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