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Search Committee Orientation. Housekeeping Restrooms Emergency Exits Please set Cell Phone to Silent 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Search Committee Orientation. Housekeeping Restrooms Emergency Exits Please set Cell Phone to Silent 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Search Committee Orientation

2 Housekeeping Restrooms Emergency Exits Please set Cell Phone to Silent 2

3 Agenda Discuss purpose of the search committee Discuss Hiring Policies & Procedures –Receiving application packages –Screening candidates –Qualified finalists –Interviews Review Record Retention Requirements Identify Resources & References 3

4 Orientation Objectives Upon completion, participants will be able to conduct a hiring search that… Meets state and federal regulations f or compliance under the –Civil Right Act of 1964 –The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (as amended) –Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 –Equal Pay Act of 1963 –Genetic Information – non-discrimination Act of 2008 Provide tools for a consistent and equitable search process to avoid discrimination and manage conflicts of interest. 4

5 Addresses applicant confidentiality. Results in the recruitment and selection of the best qualified candidate, which supports NMSU’s Commitment to Diversit y. –By having NMSU’s employee profile represent the appropriate market pool in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, and people with disabilities to ensure that NMSU is representative of the populations we serve Assures that candidates have a sense that the selection process was conducted in a fair and professional manner Search Objectives

6 How Do We Achieve Diversity? Equal Employment Opportunity is our goal. –New Mexico State University is dedicated to providing equal employment opportunities in all areas of occupation without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, mental or physical disability, serious medical condition, age, ancestry, sexual orientation, sexual identity, spousal affiliation, veteran status, or genetic information according to state and federal laws. (policy 3.25 and 4.05) 7

7 How Do We Achieve Diversity? Affirmative Action is the tool Required as result of funds received from Federal government. Meets compliance with Executive Order 11246 9

8 Search Committee Process Search Advisory Committee Declarations Statement Recruitment Screening Reference Checks Interview Process 11

9 Confidentiality The process of recruiting, screening, and interviewing prospective candidates is confidential. To maintain candidate confidentiality we ask that you not release candidate information without university administrative approval. This helps protect the committee from liability such as discrimination or unfair practice claims. Remove list of references prior to release of finalists’ materials to the public. 16

10 Declarations Statement Members sign the Search Advisory Committee Declarations Statement indicating that they accept the responsibility to protect the integrity of every prospective candidate and of the search process. Kept in department recruitment file  This form is to be signed by each member during the first committee meeting prior to review of applications. 12

11 Recruitment Where? –PeopleAdmin Posting Announcement –Advertising – external media sources targeting qualified applicants meeting university objectives of having NMSU’s employee profile represent the appropriate market pool in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, and people with disabilities to ensure that NMSU is representative of the populations we serve How long? Underutilizations Required Documentation Required Qualifications Preferred Qualifications 13

12 Applications Incomplete packages Remove SSN and DOB from printed packages PeopleAdmin Automated Notifications –Upon successfully submitting application –Immediately upon electronic deselection Candidates may only be considered for the specific positions for which they have applied. 14

13 Application Screening  Minimum Qualifications Screening Candidates MUST meet required qualifications Required Application Materials Example: 17

14 Application Screening  Criteria Assessment Examine application materials Assess the degree to which the candidate has met or exceeded the criteria Criteria must be established by the committee based on position announcement Ranking Criteria tool is available in PeopleAdmin


16 Reference Checks PeopleAdmin confidential reference tool Phone/Mail reference checks –Committee members conduct reference checks when requested and report the findings to the Chair –References should not be contacted until after the posting has closed. –All documents received must be maintained in the departmental recruitment file per record retention requirements. 19

17 Reference References provided/not provided by candidate

18 Reference Tool Example

19 Interview Considerations Be Consistent (utilize a standard set of interview questions for all candidates) Assess Competency and Qualifications –Only information that is necessary to assess an applicant’s competence or qualification for a job should be considered Permissible Subjective Qualities: Motivation, Ambition, Interest in discipline, Willingness to accept direction, Attitude toward related instruction, Ability to communicate Avoid Inappropriate Questions –Educate students, members of community Be Cautious of Informal Conversations 21

20 Qualified Finalists The search committee acts as a qualifying body to identify the best qualified candidates for the posted position. Members assist the Chairperson with the preparation of an unranked list of the best qualified finalists – or as charged by Dean/VP/CC President. 23

21 The committee members do not offer the position. No offers are to be made until all approvals have been finalized. Unless instructed otherwise, offers are made by the college Dean or CC President. The Search Committee working with the Department Head is responsible for notifying all candidates after offer is accepted. Making the Offer 24

22 Record Retention Members forward all the records to the Chair after the search process is completed. Chair will forward records to the Department Head at the completion of the search. Records will be kept for 3 years in a central, secure location within the department. –All departments must follow the NMSU disposition and destruction procedures listed in the Records Management and Retention Guidelines which can be found on NMSU’s website content/uploads/sites/14/2013/03/NMSU_RMR_Information- Session-2-12-2013.pdf content/uploads/sites/14/2013/03/NMSU_RMR_Information- Session-2-12-2013.pdf Electronic Records 25

23 Resources 26 Human ResourcesOffice of Institutional Equity Employment ServicesO’Loughlin House Hadley Hall Room 17646-3635 646-8000 Executive Vice President and Provost 646-2127 Search Committee Advisory Guidelines:

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