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 2 Guarantees  freedom to express yourself in the spoken and written word  Access to a variety of ideas on public affairs.

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2  2 Guarantees  freedom to express yourself in the spoken and written word  Access to a variety of ideas on public affairs

3  Pure Speech: conveying a message using only spoken words (debates, public meetings).  Speech Plus: adding an action or gesture to spoken words to help emphasize the meaning (picketing, strikes).  Symbolic Speech: using only actions or symbols to convey a message (wristbands, flag burning).  Preferred Position Doctrine: idea that freedom of speech/expression is so essential to democracy that it deserves special protection.

4 “Clear and Present Danger” Advocacy: speech which creates an immediate threat of criminal action ▪ “FIRE!”  Obscene words/materials- anything that depicts sex or nudity in a way that violates a community’s standards of decency  False advertising  Words that prompt others to commit a crime

5  Defamation: damaging another person’s reputation via false info.  Libel- false written words  Slander- false spoken words  Sedition: advocating the violent overthrow of the U.S. govt.  Fighting Words: words which provoke the average listener to react with violence (when words are used like weapons).

6  Prior Restraint- speech can’t be punished/censored until after its said  Gulf of Tonkin-Pentagon Papers  gag order- order from a judge to remain silent  Commercial Speech- speech for business does not have same protection  Shield Laws- laws protecting reporters from having to name their sources in court

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