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Learning is experience-based. Learning is problem-centered. Learning is enhanced by active participate. Learning is collaborative. Learning requires involvement.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning is experience-based. Learning is problem-centered. Learning is enhanced by active participate. Learning is collaborative. Learning requires involvement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning is experience-based. Learning is problem-centered. Learning is enhanced by active participate. Learning is collaborative. Learning requires involvement. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Five principles of andragogy

2 An evaluation procedure that contains pairs of items, both sounding equally desirable, but only one item in each pair is actually descriptive of an outstanding performer. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Forced-choice technique

3 The group in a study or experiment that does not receive the training. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Control Group

4 An examination of the behaviors that an employee must exhibit to be able to perform a task properly. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Operational analysis

5 Human resource activities that focus on improving the organization as a whole. A process for improving organizational functioning through a series of structured interventions. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Organizational development

6 An evaluation procedure that ranks employees by comparing each employee with every other employee. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Paired comparisons

7 Provides students with general knowledge that can be applied in many different settings. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Education

8 An explanation for forgetting in which information that is not used is gradually forgotten and lost from memory. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Passive decay

9 A horizontal part of a learning curve where no apparent performance improvements appear to be occurring. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Plateau

10 A learning situation characterized by slow improvements in performance in the early stages followed by significant improvement in later trials. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Positively accelerating learning cure

11 An examination of the kinds of problems the organization is experiencing and where they are located in the organization. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Organizational analysis

12 Studies that occur in a natural setting where researchers do not have complete control of the experimental setting. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Quasi-experimental design

13 1) Knowledge 2) Comprehension 3) Application 4) Analysis 5) Synthesis 6) Evaluation Unit 3: Human Resource Development Six levels of learning

14 A form of evaluator bias in which recent events are weighted more heavily in the mind of the evaluation than distant events. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Recency effect

15 A basic philosophy of social cognitive theory that suggest that the environment influences individual behavior but that individuals also influence their environment and change it. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Reciprocal determinism

16 A kind of learning that involves memorization and the association of words, symbols, objects, or events. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Rote learning

17 A learning situation characterized by slow learning at the beginning and end, with rapid learning occurring in the middle. Unit 3: Human Resource Development S-shaped learning curve

18 A format for a performance evaluation interview in which negative comments are inserted between positive comments at the beginning and end of the interview. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Sandwich interviews

19 A level of learning where the learner is capable of understanding why the phenomena exists. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Level of learning: Analysis

20 A form of evolution bias that occurs when an employee’s ratings are influenced by a relative comparison with the previous employee. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Sequencing effect

21 A process of changing behavior that uses reinforcement to selectively reward successively closer approximations of the specific response that is desired. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Shaping

22 A training technique in which the trainee learns to respond in a training environment that is reproduction of real-life conditions. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Simulation

23 The degree to which a job allows workers to develop and use their skills and to avoid the monotony of performing the same task repeatedly. One of the core dimensions of a job. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Skill variety

24 A theory of learning based on observational and symbolic learning. Learning is influenced by what is reinforced, either extrinsically or through self- administered reinforcement, especially the anticipation of future rewards. The environment influences individual behavior, but individuals in turn influence their environment. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Social cognitive theory

25 Research design in which participants are randomly assigned to four groups. Two groups are pretested and two groups participate in training. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Solomon four-group design

26 A process of learning that uses symbols such as words, mental images, and other cognitive associations. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Symbolic learning

27 The degree to which a task consists of a whole or complete unit of work as opposed to a small, specialized, repetitive act. One of the core dimensions of a job. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Task identity

28 A level of learning where the learner is able to apply the information to practical problems. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Level of learning: Application

29 A form of evolution bias whereby evaluators tend to rate everyone especially high or low. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Leniency-strictness effect

30 1) Assessment 2) Training and Development 3) Evaluation Unit 3: Human Resource Development Three phases of the systems model of training

31 The degree to which a task has a significant impact on the organization, the community, or the lives of other people. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Task significant

32 Graphs illustrating the number of correct responses or the percentage of correct responses during successive learning trials. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Learning curves

33 A research design which consists of periodically measuring something and introducing an experimental change during the series of measurements. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Time-series design

34 A training technique in which trainees are placed in a special training room that is a replication of the actual job situation. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Vestibule training

35 An organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Learning organization

36 Problem identification, data gathering, feedback of the data to the client group, data discussion and diagnosis, action planning, action, and reevaluation. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Steps in the action research model

37 Simplifying a job by reducing the number of elements or activities performed by a job holder. It normally involves more repetitive activities with short work cycles. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Job specialization

38 A level of learning where the learner is able to grasp the significance of the facts and perceive their importance. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Level of learning: Comprehension

39 The phase of the systems model of training in which the need for training and development is examined, as well as the resources available to provide the training both within the organization and in the external environment. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Assessment phase

40 The acquisition of specific skills or knowledge. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Training

41 Training that focuses on changing managers’ assumptions about the value of openness and feedback and making their behavior congruent with how they think they behave. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Double-loop learning

42 A level of learning where the learner is capable of making judgments of value and worth. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Level of learning: Evaluation

43 The phase of the systems model of training in which trainees are assessed to determine whether the training was successful based on the criteria established in the assessment phase. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Evaluation phase

44 A reduction in ability or effectiveness caused by lack of knowledge or skill due either to forgetfulness or the creating of new knowledge and technology. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Obsolescence

45 A learning situation characterized by rapid learning in the beginning with successively smaller increments of learning in later trials. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Negatively accelerating learning curve

46 When the training activities inhibit performance in the new situation. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Negative transfer of training

47 Physical actions or skills that an individuals acquires through practice. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Motor responses

48 A theory of learning that involves the development of stimulus-response association acquired through selective reinforcement of the correct response. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Operant conditioning

49 A form of graphic rating scales where each point along the scale is accompanied by a specific behavioral description. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)

50 A form of learning involving responses of the autonomic nervous system where a conditioned stimulus (CS) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) to produce a conditioned response. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Classical conditioning

51 A level of learning where the learner can recall specific facts. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Level of learning: Knowledge

52 The adult learning process, which tends to be more experience-based, more problem-centered, more participative, and more collaborative than traditional grade school. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Andragogy

53 A training technique in which the trainee works with a skilled employee who teaches the trainee how to perform the job. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Apprenticeship

54 Making a job greater by adding more of the same kinds of elements. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Job enlargement

55 The degree of consistency between two evaluators who have evaluated the same employee or job applicant. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Inter-rater reliability

56 The process of learning by observing the actions and behaviors of a model (also called imitative learning). Unit 3: Human Resource Development Vicarious learning

57 An evaluation procedure consisting of specified dimensions of performance and a measure for each dimension to evaluate the employee’s behavior. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Graphic rating scales

58 1) Reactions 2) Learning 3) Behavior 4) Results Unit 3: Human Resource Development Four criteria for evaluating training programs.

59 A form of performance evaluation bias in which it is the tendency for an evaluator to give average ratings to all employees. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Central-tendency effect

60 A level of learning where the learner is capable of drawing from related sources of information to gain a broad understanding and reach conclusions. Unit 3: Human Resource Development Level of learning: Synthesis

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