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Capitalization Counts Created by Lisa Frase A Capitalizing Unit of Study.

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Presentation on theme: "Capitalization Counts Created by Lisa Frase A Capitalizing Unit of Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capitalization Counts Created by Lisa Frase A Capitalizing Unit of Study

2 First Letter, First Word T he first letter of the first word in a sentence must be capitalized. J amie went to the store. W e are going to the theatre tonight. 1

3 The Word “I” C apitalize the letter “I” when using it as a word. I am going to the store. S am asked me what I want for my birthday. 2

4 Street Names S pecific street names must be capitalized. street lane avenue road route interstate drive court circle F airview S treet W isteria L ane P arks A venue G rays R oad R oute 66 I -45 P ecan D rive K ings C ourt W ilderness C ircle 3

5 Specific Names of Places Capitalize specific names of places. store park school museum dance Walmart Stevenson Park Hillside High School Seaside Museum of Art Channelview School of Dance 4

6 Titles of Books, Movies, Songs, Television Shows, Poems, Plays, & Games S pecific titles must be capitalized. S arah, P lain and T all (book) P arent T rap (movie) L ove S tory (song) C ake B oss (television show) T he R oad N ot T aken (poem) L ove S tory (song) D racula (play) M onopoly (game) 5

7 Names of People A person’s name must be capitalized. S ally M ae H arper M r. S mith D r. G rayson 6

8 Towns, Cities, States, & Countries T he name of a town, city, state, or country must be capitalized. H ouston, T exas U nited S tates of A merica C ancun, M exico 7

9 Days & Months T he days of the week and months must be capitalized. Seasons are not capitalized (winter, spring, summer, fall). S unday M onday T uesday W ednesday T hursday F riday J anuary F ebruary M arch A pril M ay J une J uly A ugust S eptember O ctober N ovember D ecember 8

10 Names of Holidays & Religions T he names of holidays and religions must be capitalized. C hristian J ewish M uslim C hristmas V alentine’s D ay L abor D ay M emorial D ay 9

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