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A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

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1 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

2 Program Goals Increase environmental performance throughout Texas Provide benefits for exceptional voluntary efforts

3 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Levels of Participation BRONZE LEVEL  SILVER LEVEL  GOLD LEVEL  PLATINUM LEVEL   Equivalent to EPA National Performance Track

4 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Program Benefits

5 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Benefits Benefits are provided to C LEAN T EXAS members at each level The higher you go in C LEAN T EXAS, the better the benefits

6 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Benefits Recognition  Use of C LEAN T EXAS logo and stars  Recognition at Environmental Trade Fair  On-site media recognition  Agency media release  Recognition in C LEAN T EXAS program materials

7 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Benefits Regulatory Benefits  Expedited Permit Review  Exemption from Waste Reduction Policy Act (WRPA) requirements  Reduced state investigation frequency  Improved compliance history score

8 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Benefits Other Benefits  Technical assistance  Reduced fees for TCEQ training events

9 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Joining Clean Texas A Level For Everyone

10 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Bronze Level Community environmental service project Measurable environmental improvement goals beyond or outside requirements Annual progress report on environmental goals

11 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Silver Level Certified Environmental Management System (EMS) Annual progress report on environmental goals set in EMS Compliance Assurance goals

12 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Gold Level Certified Environmental Management System (EMS) Compliance Assurance goals Two community environmental projects Two environmental improvement goals Annual progress report

13 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Platinum Level Certified Environmental Management System (EMS) Four environmental improvement goals Annual progress report Compliance Assurance goals Three community environmental projects

14 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality How Does an EMS Work? LSI Case Study

15 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Steps to a Clean Texas EMS 1.Set an environmental policy 2.Determine significant environmental impacts 3.Set goals for compliance and environmental performance 4.Assign responsibility 5.Implement and document programs 6.Evaluate and measure effectiveness 7.Demonstrate performance

16 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality LSI Goals Increase Recycled Content Material use Increase Land Conservation Reduce Reportable spills to ground Reduce Reportable spills to water

17 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Goals Continued Community Environmental Service Goals –Installed Bat Houses for 40,000 Bats –Relocation of Mature Trees as part of Blackland Prairie Restoration Project at Popham Elementary

18 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Compliance Screening TCEQ will review site –Compliance History ratings –State and federal court orders –State and federal criminal convictions –Patterns of non-compliance Compliance History is reviewed to a different degree for each level of membership.

19 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality EMS Assessment and Verification TCEQ will verify EMS implementation Site must use an independent party to assess EMS implementation

20 A program of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

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